Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lack of Communications

My friends know me currently as someone who will purposefully lag when it comes to cell phone-based communications, which makes planning things with me quite difficult. (Barring times when I'm the one spearheading the plan, of course.)

Of course, it only gets worse when I actually lose the phone in question.

My cell's been M.I.A. since yesterday afternoon. Or before that, possibly... my memory's not that good.
Current theories suggest that it's probably at work somewhere, stashed safe and sound.

So, to those of you who read this and have my number: if you've been calling or texting me since... oh, let's say... Monday night...? ...then now you know why I haven't responded.
...hey, at least this is legitimate...!

*clears throat* A-Anyway... time to work! *leaves*

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