Thursday, April 19, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Five: Stuffed Research

Ahh... now, this is the life. Relaxing and not having that much to worry about... it almost makes me feel like a kid again. I should probably shut up before I get all nostalgic over days long gone. Time to focus on the now, and that means it's time for RESEARCH.

Panda Express + Lemonade Iced Tea + Persona 4 = FUN NITE WOO
Well, that's my plan for tonight. Between the video game I'm "researching" and the food that gonna fuel me through my "research," I have to say that it's going to be a good night for me. (And yes, it is actual research. Did you already forget...?) Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some... uhh, research... to study for. Ahehehe...

(P.S.: Hehehe. P4 Comic!Dojima is hilarious! He also sounds somewhat like Bryan Cranston, but maybe that's just me.)

All I know is this: apart from awesome things happening tonight, more awesome things will be happening in the next two days. YAY! Until the 'morrow, everypony!

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