Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Out

Well, it's Easter Sunday. For Christians and the Christian Reservists (a.k.a.: those "part-time" Christians that seem to only show up at church during Christmas and Easter services), that means a guy resurrected after being dead for roughly three days.

For the rest of the world who either doesn't practice Christianity or just doesn't care for religion, it's a Sunday where any Christian-dominated country automatically gives its citizens a 75% chance to have the day off. (I'm part of that 75%. To my brothers and sisters in the retail world who aren't so lucky: my condolences.)

So, what's that mean for me? Between having the day off (thank you, Target) and getting some things done that I wanted to get done, it looks as though it may be a busy day despite how much I don't have to do anything.

Anyway, I'm off!

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