Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Four: The Middle Meal

As the saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun." That's what's been happening here - I got on a leveling binge on Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and I'm doing far better than I've ever done in this game before. I'd talk about it on this entry, but as the deadline nears for posting today's entry, I'm afraid it'll have to be saved for another time. Regardless, I think past me would be quite impressed with my team... and slightly concerned for it at the same time.

Anyway, today marks the end of the hump day for my vacation. Three days left before I have to go back in to work... but yet I don't miss it. Not yet, at least. I can see some of you asking "Why would Josh miss work?" Well, it does give me something to do, and as most of you know, I lack both the patience and the focus to keep me diligent on any one task. But eh... details, am I right?

Let's see what the tail end of my time off brings me... I'm willing to bet it's an awesome sandwich with extra coolness and a side of righteousness. (And let's not forget the fantastic sundae topped with fun!)

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