Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rusty Synopsis

I ruh-eeealy need to get myself back into the whole "writing quality entries" thing. Seems like lately all I see here is short "DURR LIFE TOOK PRIORITY OVER WRITING HERP" entries... and I don't want that - especially since I'm no longer on vacation.

But first, would you like to see a totally unrelated 15-year-old girl in a bikini a baby that can probably kick your butt?

This is what happens when GameStop employees get bored and they have merch they can no longer sell.
As cool as this kid is, I still think Rise Kujikawa beats it. (*grumble shouldn't have swapped out the bikini!Rise pic mumble*) A-Anyway, let's get this entry over with, huh?

Shouji Meguro - "Junes Theme"
Persona 4 Original Soundtrack

Catchy, cheery, and a total earworm. Yeah, I totally expected music like this in a game where mysterious murders are happening all over town.

If you've played Persona 4, you've probably heard this a lot if you went on multiple extended trips inside the TV world. Despite how repetitive it gets, it's got that upbeat quality about it that manages to not be as annoying as you'd think it to be. Why? Because nobody would think of putting their "secret headquarters" in the heart of a department store's open-air food court.

It could be worse, y'know... the alternatives I had lined up seemed to be a bit more... let's just say "questionable."

So, what happened over the past week? I can't tell you, but I can tell you what happened yesterday (which kind of summarizes the thought processes of last week, anyway).

So yesterday I walked in to the library expecting to type something out, and all I got was this blog entry.

No, scratch that - I'd be lying if I said that were true. To be honest, I don't even remember doing anything in the time I spent there. It was like my brain went on autopilot and I just sat there watching it do whatever it wanted. There were brief moments that I remember things - looking out the window and gazing at the area around the library; going through TV Tropes (damn, that place is addicting); cycling through various music on WinAmp; a whole lot of staring at my screen and apparently trying to get myself inspired.

My recollection of the events of the past day week looks something likse this.
Five hours later: we the fruits of my labor blossom into... well, nothing. Truth be told: I was somewhat horrified at this. Surprisingly, though, it wasn't because of the metaphors this seemed to equate to. I know I drift off a lot and it's hard for me to keep myself focused diligently on one single task, and that in itself can be dangerous. But to drift off to the point where five hours pass and it seems as if only a few minutes did with no sign of achieving any task...!? Uhm... crap. That can't be good.

Oh, and I think it's time to announce a drastic change. Recently I got extremely tired of my hair and how long it was. So I decided to fix that.

What I've looked like since April 20th.
Keep in mind that my hair used to be long enough to pass my shoulders.
This is for all the people who haven't seen me in ages and yet for some reason still look at my blog. *THE MORE YOU KNOW!*

So, to end this entry on a silly note, it's time for something silly!

It's been a while since I threw anything regarding 1000 Blank White Cards at you. I think it's time to change that. Presenting: ten more cards I made! Stare in fear if they do things you can't do, and steal them for your own ideas for your own 1000 Blank White Cards game!

Degrees of Success
Your next point gain is now affected by a point multiplier. This multiplier changes depending on how much education you have successfully completed:
- high school / GED: x1
- Associate's Degree: x2
- Bachelor's Degree: x4
- Master's Degree: x6
- Doctorate: x8
- nothing: x(-1)
Ooh, a card that promotes people who've done their schooling! Finally, a paper that's worth something other than thousands of dollars in students loans!

D.U.I. Alphabet Test
Recite the alphabet in 45 seconds... backwards.
-200 if you fail
This was one of my earlier cards (as can be told by the LARGE TEXT QUALITY), but it's still a fun one. Hey, if anything, it helps you practice in case some jerk-ass cop decides to pull you over for no good reason and has you perform a DUI test on the spot.

Yeah, laugh now... but can you actually do it? WITHOUT looking at some kind of reference?

Item Block
Draw/Play another card.
If the next card played this way involves the Mario franchise at all, double its effects and gain an additional 1000 points.
A classic video game card. I've rarely made cards that allow for additional cards to be drawn/played, but I think that should change.

The Lil Jon (SECRET)
You are now rapper Lil Jon for the next six turns.
During this time, you may only say the following:
- "WHAT!?"
- "YEAH!!"
+ bling
Chappelle's Show, anyone? (WHAT!?)
Ain't it funny? (YEAH!!)
Okay, let's move on to the next card. (OKAAAAAAY!!)

"N" is For...
Flip a coin.
HEADS: "N" is for anywhere and anytime at all. You are now SpongeBob Squarepants and live in a pineapple under the sea. (+250)
TAILS: "N" is for NO SURVIVORS! All players are now dead and have their point totals reset to zero.
Hey, a SpongeBob Squarepants reference! There's two other cards I need to make to complete this "set," and if you know your cartoons, then you probably know what "F" and "U" are for.

Pens Are Mightier
For the next two turns, all other cards written out in pen only have their point values doubled.
+20 for being bold enough to not use an eraser
This card takes advantage of the fact that cards can be made out of anything and can be written on using anything. Some people love their crayons; some prefer the ability of performing re-dos with a pencil; some just have markers and Sharpies lying around for no reason. And then there's those people who're bold enough to use a pen. They ride the line, knowing that it's pretty much a toned-down "do or die" when they write/draw things with ink. And so, this card praises their bravado and affirms their risk-taking. Muahahaha.

Sad Face
+ depression
Awh. How sad.

Stick Figures of Epicness
All cards with pictures of stick figures now have the word "Epic" in front of its title. If a card modified this way sounds so much cooler, double its effects.
This one's subtly based on the item quality scale used in World of Warcraft. The worth of most items are usually determined by the color the name is. Grays were vendor trash; whites were common; greens were uncommon; blues were rare... and purples were epic. The only thing that trumps "epic" is "Legendary" (I honestly don't know why it's orange, but meh), and that's a near-impossibility to possess.

The Young and the Restless
You're now a melodramatic soap opera character for the rest of the game.
Gain 1000 points each time you give a speech that's Daytime Emmy material. (+250 more if you turn on the waterworks.)
Cue "Nadia's Theme" here.

Since improvisational skills are often tested in 1000 Blank White Cards, I figured why not make a few cards that had the player act as something? You've seen them before (hell, if you scroll back up to "The Lil Jon" you'll see the exact same thing), but while most of them were outlandishly silly, this one is... well, outlandish period. I just hope none of you plan on confessing to being the father of someone else's child while you're under the effects of this card... because sometimes, it may not be a joke. *shifty eyes*

Well, this ought to be a decent warm-up post until the 'morrow! I'll see you then! *rushes to work*

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