Sunday, April 15, 2012

2012 Vacation Day One: The Recovery

With all of my vacation periods, it's been a mandatory requirement that I make the first day a "recovery day" from work.

Firstly, I sleep in to the maximum amount that my body needs. This all depends on many factors, but generally the main points I have to look at are how much time I've spent draining myself at work and how much sleep I've had the prior few nights. This time, I didn't need to catch up on much (there was one occasion where I slept for about sixteen hours - don't know exactly how that worked...), so I was happy on that.

Second: it allows me to get psyched for the time off. Last thing I need to do is rush into this headlong and tire myself out by day four.

Third: video games. I get to catch up on my beloved games. Wai~!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to keep "recovering." *boots up Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and prepares to kick some Daein ass*

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