Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hurdling Questionnaire

It seems almost like a sin for me to work today. Let's face it - when you have a few days off coming up and you've got nothing but relaxation waiting for you, you pretty much shut down and go on autopilot on the last day. That whole waking experience becomes one last hurdle before you get to go off and do fun things you actually want to do.

A (not-so-)accurate readout of the weather from Persona 4. What's funny is that this game technically takes place in the majority of 2011... yet the weather seemed spot-on all week (minus today).
That's what today is for me. Today marks the last day before I go on a much-needed vacation, and working tonight just seems to be an annoying splinter in my side.

So, some of you are asking a few questions. Rather than do something boring like explain myself and my (zany) motives to each and every one of you, I'm going to go ahead and use a "more fun" option: a quick Q&A panel! Let's see how well I can read your minds...

Shouji Meguro & Atsushi Kitajoh - "I'll Face Myself (Battle) (f. Daisensei Muroya)"
Never More -Reincarnation:PERSONA4-

A rock piece played during the boss fights of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, "I'll Face Myself (Battle)" carries an overall theme of denial and acceptance - something that (in my view) the RPG game was speaking to us about.

While the original version definitely carried the feeling of battling your inner shadows and demons (both physically and mentally), the arranged version cranks that emotion up to eleven. I mean... DAT VIOLIN.

Just listen to it. If you thought boss fights were already awesome with the original "I'll Face Myself (Battle)" then you've got another thing coming when this enters your brain.

Hey, all. I'm sure you want to ask me a few questions, so here they are!

Q: Vacation!? Why wasn't I told about this!?
A: I told you... and I didn't tell you. There were some days where I wanted to yell it out to the world, and there were some days where I just wanted to keep this moment of relaxation a secret so it doesn't get spoiled due to overexposure. Last thing I want to do is enter day one and have the entire holiday soiled in an overabundant amount of excitement that rotted into apathy. That's what kills a vacation - not bad events, not bad people who went with you. Overexcitement.

Oh, and as for if I've told you or not already: you can obviously assume that I felt like telling people at that moment. Stop feeling special. =P

Q: How long is this vacation of yours going to be?
A: One week. Seven days. One hundred and sixty-eight hours. Ten thousand and eighty minutes. Six hundred and four thousand, eight hundred seconds. You get the idea.

The other day, I checked my schedule for the next two weeks and found myself mildly amused. Obviously I got the entirety of this coming week off (I mean, I'm telling you about it now, right?), but when I looked at the next week (22-28 April), I had found that I was working Sunday (yeah, figures they want me back in right after my vacation ends) but had Monday and Tuesday off.

Now, I'm debating whether or not I want to swap my Sunday shift with someone else to get ten straight days of awesomeness. On one hand, it IS ten days. However, I'm pretty sure by day five that I'll be bored of vacationing and craving something to do that gets me money. Only time will tell, so we'll just have to see what happens in a week or so.

Q: So, you said "vacation." That must mean you're going somewhere. Right?
A: Nope. I'm not going anywhere special. Most people's definition of "vacation" usually involves some sort of getaway location - some pond a few miles away to camp out at, Hawaii, a deserted warehouse-slash-airsoft arena... whatever they want. Obviously, when the people who already heard about this holiday of mine asked me where I was headed for some R&R, they gave me a perplexed look and voiced their "concern" over my lack of notable spots to be at.

And that's where I told them that my definition of vacation can be summed up to the phrase "not having to be at work and getting paid for it." *nods* Simple as that, really.

Q: Whatever; your definition sucks. Anyway, what're your plans for your (hopefully) awesome vacation?
A: Well, there's a lot of things I'd like to do. Rather than bore you with the entire list, here's the known itinerary of my holiday (as of today - this is very subject to change)
Sunday, April 15
- catching up on sleep
- Persona 4
- friends, maybe?
Monday, April 16
-- "I HAVE NO IDEA!" --
Tuesday, April 17
-- "I HAVE NO IDEA!" --
Wednesday, April 18
-- "I HAVE NO IDEA!" --
Thursday, April 19
-- "I HAVE NO IDEA!" --
Friday, April 20
- Sushi Fun Lunchtime With Friends! *insert jingle here*
- other stuff (that hasn't been planned yet)!
Saturday, April 21
-- "I HAVE NO IDEA!" --
So, yeah. Lots of empty spaces where I can do things. Fun things. With friends. And other people. Over food. In the snow. Uphill. Both dimensions!

Q: Should we expect one of those papers you've been blathering about thrice so far this month to show up during this vacation?
A: Affirmative. All that free time's gotta be spent productively somehow, right? And what better way for a writer like myself to do so than by writing one out during this break from work?

So far, I'm thinking the paper I'm going to write first is going to be the one relating to Persona 4 that I discussed with you earlier this week. (If you want to find that entry, I've already provided you the link for it.) I'm having fun learning about the game, and if I'm feeling like it, I'll probably post about my experiences thus far in a later entry.

Q: Should we expect other cool things? I mean, vacations and fun times are nice, but a research paper you're writing for funsies? Come on - we're not geeky English majors like you; give us other fun stuff!
A: *le sigh* You guys (and gals) sadden me. But in order to entertain the not-so-enlightened readers I possibly have out there (yes, I just insulted you, by the way =P) I'll go ahead and make sure one of the entries I make during my vacation has super-simple vocabulary and lots and lots of images so you don't have to read like every other "good" American.

I dunno, though... I'm feeling like I should compose another Top Ten list or something.

What it looks like outside right 'bout now.
Holy crap. See what happens when it's not raining!? The odds of writing something better increase? Maybe I have a connection with the weather...? *shrugs*

Anywho, that about wraps it up for today's entry. Like I said, I have work later on - and right now, I'm starving. Last thing I want to do on my last day before vacation is not fuel up for work tonight - that'd just be hell on my psyche.

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