Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foolish Survival

So I survived April Fools' Day without getting pranked on. I found this to be quite interesting. No silly joke; no ridiculous setup; no attempt to totally throw off my sanity and perception. Huh.

I want to theorize that this happened because of the following reasons:
  1. April Fools' Day rested on a Sunday this year.
  2. Sunday = Church
  3. High school whelplings were too busy going "LIEK OMG, SPRNIG BRAKE EVRY1!!1 =D"
  4. Aliens.
  5. They had other priorities to focus on.
Shame, really - I was looking forward to being part of someone's crazy scheme. Ah, well. In any case, I have tomorrow and Tuesday off, so I'm treating it as a weekend. WHEE!

Expect much blogging, World of Warcraft, sleeping, and other silly things sometime during these next 48 hours or so. Until the 'morrow, everypony! See y'all then!

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