Friday, April 13, 2012

Such is Life to Forget

I really hate when I have a great amount of ideas running through my head and not enough time to properly record them. In the middle of editing HTML for one of the pages I have on this site, a few good ideas came up. And now, I've forgotten most of them. Sure, I could've switched my PC's active programs and gone from using Chrome to Microsoft Word or something, but by the time the program boots up, I end up forgetting what it is I was going to take down.

I mean, this happens to me a lot - this is why I keep a pen and a notepad on me at virtually all times. Last thing I want to do is come up with an idea that could blossom into something more... and then forget it when my mind just jumps to something else.

I honestly don't know what I'm saying sometimes... this rain is totally getting to me, apparently. Which kind of scares me, considering what rain means in Persona 4....

And... that's creepy

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