Friday, December 28, 2012

Holding the Deteriorating Line

It's baffling to me how in my situation, I've yet to go mad. It seems that each day I inch closer to a sealed fate out of my control - even though I'm trying my darndest to keep the reins steady. I try to keep a calm, level-headed, and optimistic look on things, but as the nights grow colder and the resources become barren, it wouldn't be surprising if I were to just lose it.

I think I have a few ideas as to why I haven't plunged into the deep end just yet. I got people out there watching over me. I have a slight amount of luck left. I've been focusing on keeping my spirits high despite the run-down situation I'm stuck in.

And most importantly, I'm glad that I'm still alive. That's always a great thing - and that's probably the reason why I haven't gone downhill. (Because let's face it - death is a pretty bad "downhill" experience. *laughs* deteriorating

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