Monday, December 24, 2012

Reflecting Eve

It's Christmas Eve today, and I find myself reflecting on my life.

This shouldn't be happening. It's a day where most places close early so the workers can (attempt) to go home and spend time with the people they want to share Christmas 2012 with. It's a time where the most resilient people who "never get homesick" secretly tear up internally if they're by themselves. It's a magical time where children from across the world - no matter how well-disciplined - attempt to circumvent the normalcy and try to find out where Santa is with their presents.

As for me, I've been working on a lot of things. I've been attempting to flesh out a very interesting idea that was composed a few days ago. I look outside occasionally and wonder where my life is going to be in 2013. (I answered that question already - it's gotta be looking up.)

Christmas present! Except it's not miiiiine...~!
And I'm also working on presents. This statement probably elicited a flat "What." from people who know me. Normally, I'm all "frak Christmas," but I do what I can to keep it to myself. (Working in the retail world does that to you.) But this year, I was thinking, "Huh. It'd be nice to try to do something for a change. But enough on that - I must make sure the present is awesome!

I'll see y'all on the 26th. What that means is that tomorrow, I'll have a pre-scripted entry up - meaning I still made my "posted every day of the year" clause. I'll be spending time mostly not on the Internets, meaning I get to live a little.

Come December 26, though... oh, it'll be time for me to start gifting y'all. And by that, I mean I'll be writing. I hope.

Anyway, happy holidays to everyone - from the people who read my blog to the people who don't like sharing the spirit of Christmas! I'll see y'all later!

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