Thursday, December 13, 2012

Something for Something

It's really interesting what happens when you make it so that you have to do something. Because when you do something that makes you want to do something else, you end up getting distracted by something #1.

That's exactly what happened with me today. Originally, I was going to play a bunch of video games and have fun with other people and then blog about my adventures. As you can tell by the previous statement, I got so distracted by all the games that... well, I'm still playing. Hehehe.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to something #1 and somehow work on getting something #2 to work itself out. Eventually. I think. I'm not sure. Ah, well. I'm sure video games will write the rest of this entry. I think. *picks up a Wavebird*

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