Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Out of nowhere I had this sudden nostalgic feeling earlier today. I was driving over a bridge when the sun was out when this sudden desire to stop the car and stand in the bridge's sidewalk came up. Fortunately, I didn't do that (as I'm sure I'd get turned into roadkill or someone for a cop to pull over). However, if I did, I'd probably have a fun time.

It got me wondering, though... why haven't I gone out and done that lately? I remember when I was a kid, my friends and I would go on the highway overpass, look down at the oncoming cars, and pump our arms up and down in an effort to get the passing drivers below to blare their horns.

So, why didn't I do that today? Oh, right - because it's not summertime; I don't live in a semi-downtown area; California's "you have the right of way" "law" is in effect; I'm 23 and now lame. Another time, perhaps.

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