Monday, December 3, 2012

The Lion Finally Roars

For the longest time I've been stuck in some kind of energy-draining rut. Work seemed like complete and utter shit (and that's before considering fourth quarter traffic). Gaming felt like a grinding task to perform (and that's before considering the leveling I'm putting Gefallen through). Writing - both on my personal blog here and otherwise - became a chore and a nuance rather than a creative outlet for my restless mind. Life (and living, in general) felt like a despicable curse that haunted my very being.

It's easy to pinpoint (and subsequently blame) potential sources of this lethargic malady... but do I really know if they are the origin points? I found myself beginning to turn blue when my camera got lost a while back. It was found a little over a week ago, and while I was ecstatic (my co-workers will report something on the lines of "overjoyed"), my spirit's core wasn't lifted any. When I lost the right to use the phrase "I'm going home," I wanted to cry my small Asian eyes out and wail like crazy. (Nopony knew this; I'm good at façades.) However, this... depressed "condition" of mine... started long before I became homeless. So, if these weren't the sources (although I can honestly say they amplified my "condition"), that left me to ask two things:
  1. What's the true source of this malady?
  2. Why the frak is it still afflicting me like so? (Or rather: why the frak am I letting it afflict me?)
I don't know the answers, but I'm certain they'll come to me in due time.

I'm going to be frank with you: this post was originally going to end here. As you can see, however, I didn't let it stop. You'll also see that the rest of this entry's overall mood and morale levels are much, much higher than they've been in weeks - nay, months. (PMX 2012 lifted my spirits, but apparently I didn't show it well enough.)

Let's find out what got me to finally roar like the lion I know I am...

Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti, and Jeremy Soule -
"Way of the Monk"
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Soundtrack

You want to know what happens when you combine the music styles of World of Warcraft with the adventure and wonder of wuxia film? You get Mists of Pandaria and the oh-so-amazing music from it.

"Way of the Monk" captures that feel quite perfectly and then some. You have adventure, self-betterment (through training), and combat making itself quite noticeable, but there's an overall aura of wondrous emotion to this piece that I can't seem to put into words. Words seem superfluous, really - this entire track's just brimming with enough raw emotion to give you an auralgasm every time you listen to it.

Don't believe me? Listen for yourself. Talk to anyone who currently plays Mists of Pandaria and ask them to recant their first experiences storming the Jade Forest and making their way inland through Pandaria. Experience the rush of battle... the thrill of adventure... the joy of wonder.

Nobuo Uematsu - "Maybe I'm a Lion"
Final Fantasy VIII Original Soundtrack

When I woke up this morning, I found that I had left my iPod on the whole night. Dismayed that I wasted about 70% of my batteries, I began to shut it off to conserve what little power was left. That's when I noticed something: this particular track was playing.

I've showcased this Final Fantasy VIII piece once before and I talked about how it instills a kind of energy in me. As it musically states that "shit just got real," it's perfect for starting your day - or in my case, starting my morning as I drove off to do what I needed to do (type this entry).

When I read "Maybe I'm a Lion" off my iPod, I didn't know that I had this newfound energy at first. (I kind of forgot that this piece did that for me.) However, after listening to it, I knew something about today - about life, really - was going to be challenging. Despite this perceived incoming difficulty, I somehow knew that I'd be able to get through. With the strength, the energy, and the courage that this piece gives me, I'm sure that I'll make today my bitch.

Such is the power of music. To think that yesterday I was under the impression that today would totally suck... show's what I know. But what I do know now is this:

Maybe I'm a lion.

*sagely nods at you*

Good afternoon, everyone! It's been a long while since I've posted anything big on here. Too long, it seems. While I know I'm prone to making crappy entries, I'm going to see if I can finish today on a high note.

Somewhere in the Pokémon world, a trainer just ordered the use of Sunny Day.
The skies are beginning to clear up, and it seems that so is this (self-imposed) drought of entries. That's always good - we need good entries. I need to write more, and I want you to be entertained!

So come on, Universe! Show me what you got! *roars* I'm ready for you and your challenges!

(Author's Note: If the apocalypse occurs later on, I am so, so sorry. This'll teach me not to roar with bestial vigor at the universe... but I'll be dead, so I won't learn the lesson. Crap.)

Tackling Life
(But if I'm out of tackles, does that mean I have to use Struggle?)

Life has been both exciting and terrifying at the same time. No doubt by now everyone has heard of my rather unique situation. (In case you haven't, I'd recommend reading back and figuring it out for yourself.)

The funny thing is that I'm not as worried as most others put into my predicament would be. That's probably because while my current living situation (or rather, a lack of one) is abysmally terrible, I've been able to do some other things that have been positive in its own way.

Nobody wants tickets to this gun show.
I've been hitting the gym more often. (Wait; wat.) Yes, it's mostly so I can take a shower and keep up some semblance of hygiene. (Some people actually brush their teeth in the locker room, and I could've sworn I saw someone shaving once...) It's also for that recommended "20 minutes a day for 3 to 4 days" thing the average health professional would recant to you. It's been beneficial - some people (mostly people I've run into who haven't seen me in a while) have asked me if I've lost weight. Personally, I don't feel it (I certainly don't think I look it), but apparently I... do? *headscratches*

Man, I haven't felt a book grip me like this in ages...
I've been catching up on my reading. One of the first things I figured would happen after my lack of living quarters was the limited access to both the Internet and electricity. By this, I mean that I could only go online and/or charge my electronic devices at the public library before I went to work (this was before Target got its free wi-fi). As such, I needed some kind of thing to do in the downtimes (read: when the library wasn't open yet). So I unearthed a box of books I had in my storage unit and have it with me to give me something to do. Battle Royale was the first, and there're more to come.

Doesn't this look familiar...?
I got a few ideas for a writing project I'm currently working on. It's an interesting read (well, it will be the moment I let y'all see it), and it's something I haven't really worked on before: non-fiction. It's almost autobiographical in nature, and I'm not that good at biographies (much less my own). It gives my brain something to work with, and brain activity is always good.

Goal by 2013's end: to score 150,000+.
Oh, and I've been playing Tetris a lot. And I've become good at it.

Blogging Something New
(You will see what I did there in a second.)

With fourth quarter now in full force at work, it's given me a sort-of go-ahead to commence a new project-of-sorts: a new blog. As is per usual, fourth quarter had absolutely nothing to do with it (or did it?) - I just came up with the idea. It's probably been done before, but hey - I like doing things anyway.

This was a silly announcement for a future project, but hey - it's technically a different topic than my life status.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do today. That work consists of me working at work... and me working on other things while I work at work. I'll see you all later.

If anything, just think of this: eventually, the lion in you will roar. Although for some people, that's impossible, because either their personalities have nothing to do with lions, or they aren't Leos like I am. *giggles*

Until the 'morrow! *roars ferociously*

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