Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dreaming Mini-Hero

You will read this entry. If you don't, we're going to go ahead and execute this random girl we found in Japan. She claims to be some "Moon Princess," so that means she's royalty, and you goody-do-good readers out there like saving royalty.

Thought I was joking, did you?
Oh, we're dead serious. Haha. Get the pun? Get it? *glares* You don't!? *pulls the trigger*

Junichi Masuda - "Burning Battlefield"
Pocket Monsters Sound Anime Collection

Everyone my age (with an approximate three-year divergence) recognizes this track. EVERYONE. If you say you don't, you're only lying to yourself, because aural epicness like this cannot be denied.

For the few people who don't know, this was one of the primary battle themes heard in the first few seasons of the anime adaptation of Pokémon. Whenever things got extremely heated in a match, this music would often accompany the visual firestorm of two Pokémon duking it out.

While its awesomeness is readily apparent in the Pokémon franchise, I'm quite certain it can be used to similar effect outside of the famed series. Just play this as backing music for any high-tension scenario and I'm sure the drama will only increase in a favorable way. Maybe the hero(ine) gets pumped up with a second wind and barrels through the current obstacles in their path. Maybe a montage ends up becoming more dramatic. Heck - maybe that street race nighttime drive you're participating in becomes much, much more intense than normal, giving you the adrenaline rush you need to get to fifth gear and win. Or maybe you're just like me and once in a while, you blare this track instead of the in-game music whenever you're at a boss fight.

Afternoon, everyone! How are my totally awesome stalkers readers on this fine day today? Well, I hope you're doing well, because it's a great day to be well.

Now, if you're reading my blog (and this entry) today because of that threat we made against poor Usagi Tsukino, please don't worry. She's fine and perfectly okay.

Either the force of the suction dart was strong enough to knock Usagi out... or she fainted from the shock of being "shot." Regardless, it's still amusing.
Unconscious, yes... but okay nonetheless. Anyway, let's move on with some stuff I wanted to talk about today!

They say that it's usually difficult to remember your dreams - especially if it's a great one where things just seem too epic for words to describe... or something that you'd swear was so realistic despite the glaring differences between the dream and reality. I had one of those dreams last night.

While it was one of the best dreams I've had the opportunity to live through, it was more of a bittersweet It was great - a lot of happiness was experienced, but then that all changed when the Soviets attacked. The last thing I seemed to remember from my dream was that I was lying in a cot in a military base, relaxing and getting ready to go home when an alarm went off...

...my phone's alarm clock alarm. Whoa. The funny part is that sometimes when people wake up, they start screaming something related to both the dream and what woke them up. I did just that - I jumped up and began getting ready for combat, only to realize that it was just... a dream.

Was it, though? I did have a great many things to do today, and I did most of 'em, so I guess I had to get myself called to action somehow. The alarm worked, but sometimes I wonder if dreams just represent another reality...

And speaking of another reality, here's an epic picture of me in plate mail armor as a knight.

Because someone has to defend the world in an imaginative manner...
Yeah, I got a bit bored and decided to rummage through some of my Lego toys yet again. Suffice to say that I have loads of fun every time I pull them out of the tubs they're in, and I have so many people and pieces I'm surprised I haven't just made a crazy diorama yet. Anyway, I took the one Lego minifig head that resembled me and just decided to stick him in armor, because chicks love armor (plating). =P

Remember these guys? You know you do.
And while I was rummaging through the pieces looking for the right weapons and armor plating to make my Lego self more of an awesome dude, I found some characters that might be familiar to my longtime readers. (Yes, I made Lego versions of them already. I kinda know what I'm doing. =P) Interesting... maybe I should work on this project some more.

Well, that's about it for now. I got work coming up in a bit, so I must be heading off. Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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