Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sickness Redundancy Sickness

It's weird how sickness works in my body. Colds that are supposed to last a week at the worst last for nearly three with me. Symptoms that aren't even remotely related to what I'm suffering from pop up inexplicably. I do everything in my power to make sure I get a speedy recovery but all it seems to do is just make things worse.

My body's strange like this. It kinda sucks, especially during the winter months when my immune system apparently decides to take a vacation. (Anyone remember last February?) To make matters worse, I can't really call out of work because the winter just so happens to be the time when hours are almost nonexistent. Having few hours increases the odds of financial downfall, which increases stress levels, which further weakens the already-absent immune system.

Why this happens to me? I don't know.

Well, in case you haven't noticed already. I'm sick. Still. I'm just wondering when it's going to go away. With any knowledge, it ain't going to be tonight - I'm going to be at work, and that means I'm going to have to deal with increased stress levels, which further weakens the already-absent immune system.

*cough* Until the 'morrow. Hopefully my voice doesn't crap out tonight - it feels like my throat's going to give way to sickness sometime soon.

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