Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hit the Alarm

And this is how this month ends - with a short entry. I'm sorry September has ended with a disappointing entry, but eh - I had a busy day at work and an even busier day fighting off the horde of enemies in front of me (and I don't mean the Horde).

While September ends as a downer, October looks to be more promising. Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saluting Farewell

Work was tiring last night - and I found that out the hard way as I drove home from work. So as I was getting myself home, I sort of drooped around but was able to keep conscious for two reasons:
  1. I was chatting with my girlfriend on the phone. (I had a headset.)
  2. Sleeping on my bed sounded wonderful.
Despite my best efforts to stay 100% focused, I was tired. Tired like you could not believe. I mean, I was at that point where the moment I walked into range of my bed, I'd lose consciousness and just fall asleep right then and there. Truth be told, I almost did - and if it weren't for the fact that I was on the phone with my girlfriend, I'd probably be drooling on top of my bed until 1000... and then wake up wondering why my car is upside-down and tail-end first through my room's window.

Don't worry; I got home perfectly fine. If anything, you should laugh - Murphy's law kicked in and instead of falling unconscious instantaneously, I shot up wide awake with energy. Don't know where it came from, but it just showed up out of the blue. Rather than curse my luck for this adrenaline rush (I for some reason have a shift starting at 1100 today), I decided to embrace it.

So as I was chatting on the phone, I figured I'd somehow kill the unknown amount of time I was blessed cursed with. I grabbed an Arizona Orangeade I had sitting in the fridge, booted up my laptop to browse the Internet, and began debating with my girlfriend on what to do. To that end, I usually have three primary methods of killing time using the Internet:
  1. Randomly shuffle through Wikipedia entries. (Learn something new.)
  2. Trap myself in the wonderful world that is TV Tropes. (Read something silly.)
  3. Scope Facebook to see what's up with everypony. (Stalking!)
For some reason, the latter option sounded like the best way to deal with this sudden surge of... insomnia? Adrenaline? Lords know, but either way, Facebook ended up being my decision. So I took a few sips of my orangeade and logged on. Seconds later, I was off to lurk on the social network site like the sneaky, devilish bastard I am see what was going on in everyone's lives.

Little did I know that I'd find out something that would alter how the rest of my night played out.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Time to RP

After a long day, I'm going to practice my roleplaying tonight. It's been a while since I've been able to. Some of my friends wanted me to log on, so that's what I'll be doing tonight.

Let's see how it goes. I'll tell you parts about it tomorrow. (I hope.)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fractured Pandas

Today, I'll be talking (for once). And I'll be talking about things I love. Namely: video games!

So grab a chair and something to munch on. We'll be seeing why I'm in lamentations over one game and simultaneously exalting another.

Play on!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Deal With It

All words have been postponed to tomorrow. It's because sudden plans happened, and I am going through with them.

Said plans are awesome, so "plans > decent blog entry" today. Sorry. (Not really.)

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Monday List

Today would've been a day where I posted something really cool and (potentially) lengthy, but alas, I've run out of time.

I spent most of my waking hours lying around wondering what to do with myself and then I realized a few things.
  1. It's laundry day.
  2. I have work today.
  3. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria launches at midnight tonight!
  4. I'm hungry!
As such, I'm off to solve all these problems. See ya' with something witty tomorrow!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Story Cometh

This is a story about how nothing became something, and how I was able to type despite an adverse case of apathy and confusion over what to do with myself.

By the Light... w-what happened to Theramore!?
And maybe a story on why nuclear(-esque) weapons (even virtual-style ones) are bad.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amidst a Lack of Inspiration

I can't think of anything to write today. It's mostly because I'm feeling quite uninspired.

Well, that's just typical of me, so what are you doing reading this? Expect something better tomorrow.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Jump Start

You ever have one of those days where things begin to roll downhill mere moments after waking up? Some piece of news shows up - and it's not pleasant. It affects you in such a fashion that it's able to shut down many aspects of your life. Morale goes down the drain; stocks in apathy triple in worth; every color in the world suddenly looks like some variant of blue or gray. You feel lethargic, helpless, worthless, hopeless.

That's happened to me today, and I'm not liking it.
Now, the question you have to ask yourself in regards to this scenario looks a tad like this: how long are you going to wallow in this depression before you stand up and tell this sadness to go frak itself in the ass?

For me, I said "about twenty minutes." I was able to keep track of how much time I wasted there lying like a demoralized vegetable with a thousand-yard stare because I started up an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic right before the wave of hopelessness hit me. The credits began to roll and I somehow snapped out of my comatose state - probably because my brain realized that in a few seconds I'd be hearing nothing but dead air.

So I got up and decided to do something about it. This meant that I had to freshen up, grab my car keys, and go off to tackle the problems that decided to try making today suck so much. Currently, I'm at the local library, kicking ass as much as I can and getting work done on a few projects.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things that need to be answered and some people to confront. I'll be doing that in the meantime before I grab lunch and go to work.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I was told today to write something. So, here I am - I'm here to say something, and here it is:

*inhales* SOMETHING. (yay.)

Mwahahahaha. Well, that's it for today's entry. I have a hot date tonight and as such, I must get prepared. For those of you who think I'm just not giving you enough content: here's a picture of a pony dancing Gangnam Style.

Gangnam Style hits Equestria by force.
Now shut up and lemme go on my date.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A War Diary

Last night (and a majority of the early part of my day) was spent grinding through Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and doing my best to max out the stats of my main party. So I'm taking a much-needed break today from video gaming to talk to you about that thing I was talking about yesterday.

Just wait 'til I put it all together.
Yeah. Legos. And that project I was talking about.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Playing the Adventure

Today's a good day off so far. Within hours of waking up, I came up with an idea for an excellent entry to post up here. I'm fleshing out these ideas and turning them into something I can incorporate into a writing project... something that just might get that jump-start I had planned for the end of this month become something worthwhile.

What's funny is that it's incorporating a great amount of ideas from both past projects and current ones. There was a saying out there that nothing is really "new" anymore - just recycled into something fresh and (hopefully) unheard of by today's public. And just like that, nothing I have is entirely 100% "new" - it's bits and pieces from the things I enjoyed most from my (many incomplete) works put together into something that has now taken my interest.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Gangnam Monotony

Day 261 in the 12th year after the Millenium War began.

What is there to talk about today, I wonder? What is there? This world has been trashed since the start of this war - no hope for a future, for love, for peace. Despite this, my commanding officer found it "imperative for the future" for us to document our dull and dreary lives. *scoff* "Imperative" my ass.

You have to be vigilant at all times. Even Lego!me has to remain alert in case anyone attacks...
Currently I'm situated at an abandoned library in the ruins of Thessalia. (Peyton says it's the Sutherlands Regional Library...) It's been situated as the OP for today. Due to the hectic fighting around the Thessalian streets, we've been forced to advance at a remarkably slow rate of one block per day. The Cremisians are really giving us Hell, and it looks like they want this city just as bad as we do...

So, here I am, writing in this journal because it's been relatively quiet. Sporadic movement here and there, but my guess is that it's just a recon element poking around for gaps in our front line. (They haven't found anything yet - and if they did, I'm sure that the mortars I called in eliminated them.) But apart from the bloody war that I'm participating in, what is there to write about? What IS there that's worth jotting down in this notebook for "the future" to read? At this point, I don't really see anything worth jotting down.

Now, don't get me wrong - I believe in my commanding officer. (I have to; she's the princess.) I honestly believe in Lieutenant Allisenna Novelli and her wish to liberate the country that was stolen from her by war. I wish to see her homeland (as well as my own) freed from the unholy grasp of Cremisa and sovereignty restored to Her Highness. But... how does this... this documentation that's "imperative for the future..." how does it help us win a battle that seems nigh victorious? A stagnant war that should have been over years ago?

It's been said that the pen is mightier than the sword, but so far my rifle's killed more men and women than this book has. (I should consider Lady Kurz to be lucky - she claims to have dirtied her pen with the blood of a Cremisan.) So, why write? Why bother to preserve our dimly-lit history with the minutiae of war and -

If I was a soldier who spotted this while at an OP, I think I'd stare in confused shock.
...what the...!? There's... there's a Cremisan dancing. Let me say that again: a Cremisan. Dancing. RIGHT ON THE MLR. Is he asking to get sniped? (Where the hell's Webster when I need him?) I should probably radio this in to the Lieutenant... which means that I'll probably be moving out in a bit.

So, until the next time I'm able to write in this thing. Who knows - mayhaps I'll have a good reason as to why Her Highness' "imperative" order was an excellent one.

- J.G. Alexander
(MC2, SRDF Navy)

(Author's Note: Hehehe. It's been a while since I've referenced this work of mine. I was originally going to whine about how I have nothing to talk about today, but then this popped up - how fitting, huh?)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Let the Second Half Burn!

It could be said that this month has not been one of my strong ones thus far. Sure, I've been living and having fun, but in terms of me writing decent things on my blog, I've been huddled in the fetal position. So after what feels like an eternity of not posting anything substantial on here, I finally got the courage the strength something going in my mind to get me to type today!

Asian Porco Rosso, reporting for duty! (Isn't that just awesome? *gasps* IDEAAAA~!)
So, let's get this fire started and let's get this blog entry of mine rolling! *rolls out*

Saturday, September 15, 2012

End of the First Half

And today marks the first half of September ending. What will the second half have in store for us, ladies and gentlemen?

I suppose we'll just have to see what happens tomorrow.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Writing Alchemy

Alas: poetry - something by yours truly! Enjoy my sweet words - at least until the 'morrow!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tomorrow For Sure

I have better things to do than to type out an entry today.

Mayhaps you'll hear about it tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


So here is a question I'd like to ask you: what is today if we don't live it?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Out of Nothing

I didn't feel like talking today. I felt that today was going to be a day of relaxation and ridiculous laziness. That's what happened, and now I don't feel like doing anything.

And now I'm going to sleep. I'm going to figure out what to do tomorrow tomorrow.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

No Product

Today is Sunday, and as such, I'm resting up as much as I can before I go off to work. And now I get to go off and have fun before that.

I would have posted more, but a combination of laundry, Battlestar Galactica, and Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D has stopped me from doing anything productive.

So, yeah. More moments where I don't do anything productive!

Friday, September 7, 2012

And It's Up!

FINALLY. Now I can sleep. Enjoy the new "The Tags Guide," everypony!

Let me know what you think or if you found any errors!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sudden Change of Plans

Well, it looks as though I won't be able to showcase the new "The Tags Guide."

What, I pushed it back again? Typical. However, I have a good reason. A very good reason.

Tomorrow for sure. (I hope.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Long Update (1 of 2)

This HTML editing is quite tedious, but it's going to be worth it. "The Tags Guide" page has really improved in terms of content and how it looks.

Ignore the fact that Starbuck's there. I wasn't getting distracted at all today. Nooo...
Seriously. It looked all boring and bland before...

So much better, really.
...and now it's not.

Expect it back up by 'morrow's end!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Going through HTML can be a drag. That's what I'm doing today as I start celebrating a few days off. I decided to retrofit some of the pages, and that means going through the coding and adding some things while I edit other things.

You'll see what happens tomorrow. (Didn' I say that yesterday?)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Laboring Relaxation

I didn't feel like saying anything today. It's Labor Day - with all the work I do, I think I deserve some R&R. Despite this, I'm going to work tonight, so yeah - it doesn't do anything.

Guess what? Expect something cool tomorrow.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cooking Off September

Happy September, everypony! I'm not feeling particularly inspired to do anything today, so instead of a decent entry, I'm going to share with you this amazing video I found this morning. (I apologize if this is old news, but hey - I live under a rock.)

The idea is that by using an ordinary plastic water bottle, you're actually able to separate an egg yolk from the whites. A very low-tech solution that yields a high-quality result...

WAT. Seriously, this is a simple and insane trick. I'm going to go try this now and see just how amazing this game-changer is. *grabs some eggs and a water bottle* Allez cuisine!