Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An End for a Fool...

After months of deliberation, I think it's time to call it in.

There has been no hope for some restoration of balance to appear, and yet here I am, clinging to some delusional fantasy that hope will pay off. Petty wishes no longer possess the power they once had, and a cold reality is all that awaits those waiting for a warm reprieve. "Wasted time," it can be called - and those who label it as such can be assured of their accurate statement.

I honestly don't know why I bother staying here when all I've done is... well, nothing, really. Post after post of crapshit "entries" (if we could even call them that) with nothing of any consequence. Bogged by apathy and lethargy alike, it's done nothing to contribute to a better me. It's done nothing to bring solace and conclusion to the ever-continuing story of my life, and it most certainly hasn't brought me out of this... well, "slump" is the best word I can use to describe it.

So, what do the above cryptic metaphors mean in layman's terms? It means I'm done. I'm throwing in the towel; I'm waving the white flag; I'm pronouncing the time of death and ceasing resuscitation. Abort mission; call it a failure and label me as such.

Because I'm done.

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