Friday, April 18, 2014


Time certainly seems to be going slower as summer slowly inches closer. Yeah, I know - the days are getting longer; the nights shorter; blah, blah, blah. It's fun and all, but gods... if you've nothing to do all day, then the sun's just gonna taunt you all day and night. That's no fun, now, is it?

For the time being, though... it's not too bad. So long as people are free and things are open and I have gas to get to places, I think I'll be okay. In the meantime, it's time for me to rest up and get ready for longer days. Those are gonna be fun.

So, what to expect from me as the daytime hours? More talk of projects? Some posts involving said (completed) projects? Life in general? Other fun things? I'm not sure, but I'm trying to make sure I have the energy and the time to write. Right now, however... it's a bit tricky. Between things I'm trying to fight and other things I'm trying to juggle, I'm in a bit of a bind. It's been like that for a long while for me... but I'm slowly getting myself back to gear.

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