Thursday, April 3, 2014

Re-Game On

In an effort to break the cycle of monotonous entries and the overall air of lameness present in my blog, I've decided that I'm going to play some video games.

Okay, let's admit it - that sounds like a weirdly inefficient method to break my lethargy. Combating one state that lacks progress with an activity that soccer moms and disbarred Florida attorney Jack Thompson would probably cite as "vegetative?" Talk about bringing a deer carcass to a hunting trip.

Anyway, let's just go on with the entry. Time for some music to get us all in the mood.

Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel - "For the First Time in Forever"
Frozen: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

This blogger is posting; it's no bore!
I didn't know he did that anymore!
Who knew he had such style and such grace?
For months he vegged; no blog enthralled.
Words with no guts and no gall.
Finally he's getting back in place!

There'll be actual awesome entries.
It'll be totally strange.
Wow, am I so ready for this change!

'Cause for the first time in forever,
there'll be laughter and much more!
For the first time in forever,
Writing won't be such a chore!
Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,
but I'm somewhere in that zone.
'Cause for the first time in forever,
...I am gonna own!

(Kudos to anyone who read the above "lyrics" in tune with "For the First Time in Forever.")

Before I continue, I must stress that I've only recently seen Frozen. We're talking about "within the last three weeks" recent (or whenever the hell it was released on Blu-Ray/DVD; I forget exactly when). Ever since my girlfriend Wendy sat me down to watch it, I've basically been in love with the music (and Elsa, but let's ignore that for now) and how amazing this movie is.

Anyway, I felt like "For the First Time in Forever" was somewhat fitting for today's entry. Much like Anna in the movie, I'm experience something so rare and out-of-place in my life that it's got me in high spirits. It's the first time in a while that I've posted anything with any substantial amount of meat, and it's got me feeling excited and nervous all at once. I just hope I'm not getting too far ahead of myself.

Oh. Someone remind me to talk about Frozen some other day. Honestly, it's that good. If you haven't seen it yet, WATCH IT NOW.

Wow. I'm actually posting.

*shakes head* Okay, enough of that. We're here to talk about video games - specifically the reasons why playing them equals progress.

Lately there hasn't been much going on in terms of what I've been doing with myself. There's friends, the love life, work, paying bills, harassing people who owe me money (I wish), and all those things that seem to make life fun.

Then comes the video games... or a lack of new ones I've been playing, for that matter. I really don't know why, but the new games I have in my possession just didn't seem to grasp my attention. You'd think that the thrill of a new world to explore and the plastic-y "new game" aroma that comes with it would call to me, but it just hasn't. This lethargic energy that's been gnawing at me? That's probably why. That, or I just haven't devoted enough willpower to pop in the cartridge into my 3DS or load up the program on my PC.

But what to play? So many choices and so little time to adequately play 'em all. I can kind of see why I didn't bother touching them (come on, there's so many to pick from), but at the same time, they're in my possession collecting dust. Not cool for the games, when you think about it.

Anyway, I got plenty of choices. Between experimenting with new games (relatively speaking) such as Bravely Default or Shin Megami Tensei IV (both of which have yet to be loaded up on my 3DS until today), loading up old favorites like Pokémon Y or Minecraft, and revisiting games long conquered in search of a fun (and ridiculously self-imposed) challenge, I've a plethora of ideas:
  • Bravely Default
  • FTL: Faster Than Light (Advanced Edition)
  • Minecraft
  • Pokémon Conquest
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV
Apologies for the potato quality.
...and it looks like I've made my decision. Now if you'll excuse me, I've a world to explore!

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