Monday, April 14, 2014

Lost Track Again

It's hard to realize certain things when other things keep happening and get in the way. I find it fun and confusing, although it can get hard to keep track of everything that goes on.

In short, I've had a lot of things happen in the last few days. I nearly had to deal with my character dying in a tabletop roleplaying game. I hastily filed my taxes. I've hung out with people - both in work and out of it. I've gotten paid and promptly had it all sucked away by bills.

Essentially, I've been surviving. I'm not yet living, though.

It's crazy how things are going. It's horrible knowing that my two days off are up tonight and that I have to go back in. It's not that I hate my job - I actually enjoy it. It's more along the lines of "I don't want to work" - which is what no one really wants to do. I'm probably just ranting, but that's what today seems to be dedicated to. I enjoyed my days off, and now I'm refreshed and recharged, ready to tackle the rest of the week.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I smell gas. Not a good sign.

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