Saturday, April 19, 2014

You Know What They Say About Old Habits...

It might be Saturday, but today feels like a Friday. That's because when it comes to my work week, I'm done, and that means I can finally begin to relax.

Thing is, I don't exactly know what it is I want to do. I've got plenty of ideas going through my head, and all of them sound rather enticing. Do I play the crap out of Bravely Default and FTL: Faster Than Light? Do I work on my tabletop role-playing game campaign ideas and map out more of the story? Do I just veg out and do absolutely nothing (and hope it's everything I thought it could be)? Do I take it easy and recuperate from both minor sickness and aches?

Or do I just try to do a mixture of all of the above (with a little bit of other things for good measure) and call it a weekend well spent?

Hrm. I'm torn. The latter seems quite enticing... okay, screw it. I might just end up doing that - it's what I've always been doing before (plus or minus some video games), and it's what I do best! It also doesn't seem like I'll be changing those ways any time soon. Humans are creatures of habit, after all - why else would I alter the status quo?

Okay, plan's set. I'm gonna go do things that keep me entertained!

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