Saturday, April 5, 2014

Overdone For Once

*tired grunt*

To be honest, I didn't want to write anything on here today. I worked for a good long while (enough for me to finally notice that my feet were aching much more than usual), and my paycheck's going to thank me for it.

But for now? Ugh. I'm lacking the stamina to write. To make matters worse, I said I'd type up something decent today, and for the first time in forever, I'm legitimately too fatigued to write anything of any quality. I'm essentially crying wolf, and no one's going to believe me.

Ah, well. Not like anyone's reading my personal blog nowadays (or any personal blog, for that matter). I'll just lie here, tired from work and smelling like sandwiches. In the morning, I'll have to get up and repeat the process - but at least I' don't have to work as long.

So, yeah, that's it for today.

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