Monday, April 21, 2014


I've come across one major snag when it comes to creating a tabletop role-playing campaign: the important decision of selecting your engine. There's a good variety out there, but I've only experienceda few of them so far in my life. It also doesn't help that I've only experienced each engine on the player character side - I'm sure the GM side's a whole 'nother issue. What's more, each system has a few things I like and some other things that I don't.

Now, a third option has come up: the idea that I could just make up my own system. I had tinkered with that idea for a bit (I even came up with a few character classes and talent trees), but it's so much work that I wasn't even up for continuing after I had the basics set up. It still is a possibility for me to use my own modified engine, but that would be a long road to travel.

When it comes down to it, though, I think that creating the story and characters take precedence over selecting the engine I want to use to run this game. I'm sure I can deal with that when it's time. Until then, I'll just keep focusing on keeping the story tight and gripping, and the characters the players will eventually face as memorable as possible

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