Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Poor Advice

Today's Thursday, and I'll be honest with you: I don't feel like typing anything up. That's mostly because I'm, uh... on a date right now.

Sokka made a very good recommendation for a place to go during our date.
I know, I know - some of you are asking, "What the frak are you doing typing up your blog entry while you're on a date?" My response: We're on vacation! We're at the library! (How romantic, right? *laughs*)

I see the stares. Now shaddap. It's awesome.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday Listing

Today promises to be interesting. There's a lot to do and so little time to write about it, so you'll just have to make do with this list of things I'm gonna be doing today.
  • reading up on World of Warcraft's Patch 5.0.4 notes
  • something involving grocery shopping
  • running my laundry
  • Valkyria Chronicles!
  • writing
  • work
  • writing at work
  • taking in the sun for a brief moment in time
  • general mischievousness
  • other things I forgot
Until the 'morrow!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meet Allisenna Novelli

So while looking for something to do today, I decided to mindlessly play with my customized Lego stuff as I watched The IT Crowd. I had told my friends that I have yet to finish the series (I had stopped after the second season) and much to my chagrin, I found them chastising me for my failure to complete such a short show. I mean, four seasons consisting of six twenty-plus minute episodes each - how the frak could I not complete that in a day? So after re-watching the first two seasons, I began watching the third season and had a few laughs.

I think I have to put Richard Ayoade on my "Famous People I Want to DM (or at least Narrate) for Me" list now.
Then I got to the first episode of season four: "Jen the Fredo." Part of the plotline involved a tabletop roleplaying game hosted by Moss (played by Richard Ayoade, pictured above). Most of the other guys were completely skeptical (and almost antagonistic) when the session started. By game's end, however, they were so invested in what was going on that they were moved to tears.

While it was completely hilarious (I'm pretty sure my side was splitting by the episode's conclusion), it got me thinking about some things involving my future roleplaying prospects. I had to wonder what it was I was doing and why I wanted to do it. I questioned what it was I was trying to accomplish and how my actions would benefit me.

Mind you, I'm not questioning me and my desire to role-play. I'm questioning why I haven't come up with a character backstory for Erfrischen Allisenna yet. So, since I have time to kill between now and some plans for tonight, I figured: "Why not work on some roleplaying?"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Gearing Up

Monday is proving itself to be quite interesting right now. I don't quite know how to explain how I know this. I just do. Maybe I'll just scream and be psychotic at work (in a good way) to help time pass.

Perhaps you'll hear about it tomorrow. Perhaps you won't. Either way, expect a good entry on Tuesday. For now, you'll have to make do with a picture of Solid Snake Sparkle taking on Metal Flutter Gear RAY.

I have both fear and amazement running through my veins right now.
(Image made by "GiantMosquito" and found on DeviantArt.)
That's what happens when you make a crossover of two of my favorite franchises. Hehe.

So, until the 'morrow. *grabs a FIM-92 and prepares to fight*

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Written Mission

You know what's fun? Suddenly deciding to work on a short story for no particular reason. I woke up late (again) and suddenly found the urge to compose something in written form.

It's been a while since I've done this, so I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty, but I'll do what I can to make it decent.

You won't see this today, but I'm sure it'll be complete by the time this week ends. I'll make sure you'll get the first scoop when it's up.

Now, away I go to write! *scribbles*

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Toast to Lives, Old and New

To say that today's entry was going to be a swirling vortex of heartfelt string-plucking and geeky ridiculousness is a complete understatement.

The storyboard says Starbuck flies into this maelstrom as the camera flies head-on into her Viper. That's what you'll be doing as well today - metaphorically speaking, at least.
To say that today's entry is going to be waxing pseudo-philosophy in regards to friendships and gaming... yeah, that sums it up quite nicely, I'd say. Don't take my word for it, though - read on and see for yourself.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just Like Usual

I'll be honest: I'm far too busy to post anything decent here today. Or maybe I'm just lazy. I'll let you decide. For now, though... I got plans to take care of, so I'll be off doing those. Yay.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Curry Blues

The day started like any other day: me waking up wondering what I'd be doing, a few minutes of lying there in bed, some thoughts on what I did yesterday, a brief moment of lament for myself and my current status. This process normally takes anywhere from thirty seconds to ten minutes, but for some strange reason today it felt as if it was a half-hour. I could tell because that's how much time it took for my alarm clock to finally ring.

So after I smashed my alarm clock (greaaaaat; I gotta buy myself another) I asked myself what I had planned out for today, and this was the list that popped up:
  • laundry
  • work
  • something involving buying bread, bologna, and toilet paper
  • music
  • sleep
Well, I certainly had my work cut out for me. So as I laid there telling myself to get up and start my day, the thought of breakfast drifted into my mind. It's something I haven't had in a while, and I was really craving something to eat. Plus, I know how important the first meal of the day is.

Curry. For breakfast. Mmm.
After all of that, I decided to get up and cook up some curry. It's not my ideal breakfast of choice, but the thought of eating some warm curry poured out over rice sounded really appealing to me at that precise moment. (Plus, I have no money, so cooking at home with stuff beats going out and spending much-needed moolah.)

The problem with making curry (or at least the curry I was preparing) was that I had to manually cook some rice, boil some water to warm up the curry packets, and then wait in the meantime for both to finish. So I sat at the kitchen alone and began to drum my fingers on the counter.

It was at this point that my laptop decided to casually play some music from a playlist I usually blare whenever I'm mindlessly working. It was nothing special - just tracks from video games that somehow got my adrenaline to rise back in the days where I rocked out homework. Now it was just mindless notes and bleh (not to say that the stuff itself is "mindless notes and bleh") as I sat there, waiting for my stuff to finish cooking.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

League of Laziness

This could have been a decent entry, but I got distracted by Legos and Band of Brothers (both the book and the TV series). So instead, you'll have to make do with this. Mwahaha.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back In

A Monday... and a day spent back in work. I don't know whether to consider myself fortunate or cursed.

Regardless, I'm primed with energy either way, so it's all good. (Which, when you look at this entry's quality, seems a tad ironic.)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ends Begin

As most people who've ever taken an extended vacation from their jobs can attest to, their last days off are some of the most bittersweet ones. Some people will find these days to carry both auras of happiness and light sadness and frivolously take what these final moments of calm offer them. Others will suddenly find themselves swamped with a sense of impending dread that does everything but drown their will to make their last days of relaxation good ones.

In my case, I ended up with a combination of both of those things. While I enjoyed what the last few days have offered me and feel refreshed and ready to go back to work, there's a sense of doom that overcame me. Mind you, this doom is not the "Yeah, life sucks; enjoy your monotony at work, bitch!" kind of doom - nor is it the "You'll never feel this good ever again!" kind. It's a unique kind of doom that manifests itself as lethargy and a strong desire to hold claim to apathy.

I didn't wake up 'til about 1040 this morning. And to be honest, wasting the day by sleeping sounded like a decent plan...
As you can see, this doom has claimed me on this, the tenth and final day of this summer 2012 vacation. I woke up with a sense of dread about going back to work (though it'll be nice to do something other than wallow in laziness like today) and a fear that this blissful vacation has reached its end. Simultaneously, however, I awoke to a pleasant feeling of satisfaction - that this break from the drudges of work and a boring, repetitive life of a retail worker was something I oh-so-needed.

So after some time spent loafing around on TV Tropes and mindlessly listening to music, I finally got the urge to begin typing something up. This entry is what resulted.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Day nine of my fancy vacation has a few things planned out - all of which got interrupted because of me sleeping in 'til noon. Oh, yay.

Fortunately, I have the afternoon to make up for it. That's even better, but now... I must go and get prepared for things. Muahahaha.

Why am I laughing? I don't even know. Hell, I don't even know what I'm typing right now; I'm kind of on autopilot. Woo. Autopilot. Isn't that bad for someone like me who posts blog entries to type on autopilot?

I don't know, and I don't care. Day nine of this summer vacation of mine's starting, and I'm missing out with each second I spend on here. Away! *jets off*

Friday, August 17, 2012

Twenty-Third Sixteen

The first post made as a freshly-upgraded 23-year-old hits the Internet today. While yesterday could count, today's the day where I can comment on me being 23 and everything that goes along with it.

This photograph proves how silly it is to use a small Pokémon (like a Horsea) as your Surfing Pokémon.
Consequently, this also applies to your Flying Pokémon. Admit it; you used a Pidgey! Argue all you want, but it's not a question of where it grips it - it's a simple question of weight ratios! A four pound bird could not carry a hundred-plus pound Pokémon trainer!
(Yes, I just subtly referenced Monty Python and the Holy Grail.)
So mount up and lock and load, readers, and prepare for my first quality entry as a 23-year-old! ¡Ven conmigo! *rides off*

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hey guys! I woke up today and saw this floating on the bottom of my vision range!

Look similar to last year? You must be getting déjà vu, then.
(This image created by this achievement generator.)
Yeah! I'm officially one year closer to death! And two years closer to be able to rent a car in America! And four years closer to joining the 27 Club if I'm a musician!

Also, I think I should let you in on a little secret. Look at that number. "23." One of my old high school friends told me a thing he noticed early on - that the number "23" is everywhere (and he meant everywhere). I paid no attention to it until I began to smirk at every instance that "23" pops up. It's kinda cool. A little freaky at how reoccurring the number is, but... coll all the same.

Welp, my day's starting off waaaay early for me (as indicated by the fact that this was posted in the morning), so I must head out to be involved with the plans I'm involved with. I'll see y'all tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Celebrant Not Present

It's the eve of my twenty-third birthday, but unlike last year, I don't feel like doing anything to commemorate it on here. Call it laziness... call it me being out and about... hell, you could even call this entry out on account of an all date plan. (Get it? "Day" sounds like "date?" I'm on a date that lasts all day? An "all-date?")

Yeah, I, uh... I'm not being lazy at all.
Regardless, I'm going to be frank and admit that I don't feel like putting some quality thing on here today. Or tomorrow. Maybe even Friday. However, all of these days (including today) have been practically booked with plans that last for the whole day, and as such, I lack the proper time to compose something that you would call a "quality entry."

So, uh... I'm not gonna keep my plans waiting. If you're going to whine about me not posting anything for a while, I have one (legitimate) excuse:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Halfway Done

Vacation's halfway done. I still got five more days, and they're gonna be packed with awesome things and awesome people.

I deserve to have lazy entries! Stop judging me!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Reconstruction of Deconstruction

It's a pretty warm day, don't you think? And as such, I felt that it was necessary to construct something decent despite the fact that I'm on vacation and I have plans for today.

Toast gets plain ol' boring after a while. So right when I figured it out, I decided to try something new: slap on some butter and some kind of salad dressing before tossing it into the toaster oven.
So, without further ado, let's get this entry started! Right after I finish this toast...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Almost Lost

Sometimes when you get caught up on something, you lose track of time. And sometimes, you lose track of so much time that you almost miss out on other things.

For instance, for me, I almost missed my deadline for this entry. Now that I haven't, it's time for me to continue on this something that I've been caught up on. You'll see about it tomorrow.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Second Day of Relaxation

The vacation continues, with lots of fun and lots of crazy things. Perhaps you'll hear about it tomorrow, but for right now... it's going on now.

Yeah, that's right. Two short entries, but as it's a vacation, I think it's excusable.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Phasing Moment

Today's August 9 - the eve of my vacation. With less than twelve hours to go before my vacation officially starts and a week before my 23rd birthday, it's pretty much inevitable that things will fly out of left field.

Sometimes we just aren't prepared to face the present as it unfolds. Corporal Brigitte Stark would know that personally.
As these (fun) events inch closer and closer, they no longer float about as part of the future, but as the present we continually keep living out. As such, these left field things will keep being thrown my path, and I must adjust to the constant rain.

Cryptic and confusing chatter aside, let's just see what's got me shaken up as we inch closer to the future now.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Twice More

It would seem that my theory on the last days before a vacation being the longest is correct. Last night at work was, well... let's just say long. Tonight will probably prove to be the same. Yay.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trudging Into Monotony

It's taken me a while to get myself woken up, but I am finally conscious and ready to go through the nuances of my day. Alas, by the time I was ready, it was 1300 - a little less than three hours before the start of my work shift. Yay. *rolls eyes*

I just keep telling myself, "Okay, Josh. Just today, tomorrow, and Thursday. That's all you have to bear with until your vacation starts, and then it'll be ten days where you don't have to worry about jack."

As that happens, though, I have this feeling that those three days will somehow be drawn out and almost elegiac in nature. Like I said yesterday, life feels like it's doing the exact same thing this week... as it was the week before that and the week before that... and so do the work shifts I'm having to conquer and get over before relaxation becomes the chief focus of the day.

I've got things to do before then, so it's best if I get going for now. Until the 'morrow.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Elegiac Repetition

Sometimes I enjoy it when life decides to steamroll onward without me. It gives me some time to reflect on things and think about my place in the universe... and other things like that.

Gods, I'd hate to be that poor bastard right now. (*BETRAYAL!*)
However, it's not fun when I'm in front of life when it decides to steamroll onward. *winces*

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sweeping Entry

There's no decent entry today because I'm busy cleaning and going to work. At the same time. Because I'm just that awesome at multitasking. (Not really. But I digress.)

But if it's any consolation, tomorrow's a day off! I can write something better than this! Until then... *continues doing stuff*

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Directions of Doom

As it's Saturday, that means the weekend is here. We need to start this weekend off right. That's why I think you should get vitamin gummies. Or at the very least, those gummy snacks that give you 100% of the daily value of Vitamin C.

Welp, I've got mine, so let's just go get today started. It's essential that you get yours, too... because if you don't, bad things could happen.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Of Tanks

Good evening, everypony! Today is the third day of August, and that means only one more week until my fantabulous vacation starts up! Surprisingly, I was given the day off (A Friday off? IMPOSSIBRU!), but unsurprisingly, the last few days at work have kicked my ass up and down the store.

When she's not fighting evil by moonlight or winning love by daylight, Usagi Tsukino does the one thing she does better than whining: sleeping.
I needed this time to rest, recuperate, and get myself ready for the grueling six days that stand between me and this amazing session of time-off days. So, I decided to take a personal day to loosen up, relax, do nothing, and enjoy the day off the way I want to: the way I want to. Nothing better than lying back, kicking your feet up, casually sipping down a cold one, and thinking, "Today's great."

Contrary to the picture shown above with this opener, I did not spend the time catching up on sleep. Rather, I - *doorbell* Oh, snap! That's the pizza I ordered before I started typing this up! Gimme a second and I'll be riiiiiiiiiiight back! *runs off to answer the door*

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Relaxing Stress

The second day of August feels like the first, except I'm not as inspired as the last one. I suppose that's because I'm practically on autopilot and waiting for this vacation of mine to appear.

Speaking of which. I never thought it would be possible to stress out over planning what's supposed to be a relaxing vacation. With so many ideas circulating and so little time to execute all of them, it's become a bit of a hassle trying to coordinate schedules and times for things.

One would think that ten days is an absurdly ridiculous amount of time to begin with, but when you keep cooking up ideas, it's kind of a problem when you're trying to mesh everything together. Because sooner or later you're going to wind up with things like time constraints, a lack of back-up plans, a fixed schedule, some jerkass who wants to stay by the schedule, and an unnecessary load of stress all piling up... just waiting to drown you and everyone around you.

But yeah. That's how it goes.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The August Front

August is now officially here. Like the start of last August, I've succeeded in keeping all my entries posted on time thus far, and I have the feeling that it's going to be an interesting month (if not entertaining).

"Don't Forget to Do Good" is what this rock's message reads. The story behind this goes that one of my co-workers found this while zoning in our toys department over a year ago. Whether it was accidentally abandoned due to negligence by a guest or deliberately left behind in an attempt to promote positive thinking is something worth pondering about.
Unlike last August, however, this one promises to be even more memorable and ridiculously awesome than the other one. And somehow, I can tell that it'll be a good August this time around. (That's not to say that last August was bad - this one just holds more promise.)

So let's go off and have ourselves a war against last August - against monotony and dullards across the globe! Let's make this battle month a memorable one filled with camaraderie and entries! Let's perform good things and vanquish evil ones!