Monday, December 31, 2012


This is the last entry 2012 will see.

from xkcd
While this entry itself isn't impressive... I think something amazing will happen next year.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Drained at the End

I honestly don't have it in me to post anything worthwhile today. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Last Ideas of the Year

I keep getting ideas and ideas! It's almost impossible for me to not get ideas! What matters is if I end up using these ideas or if I just let them rust over.

Something tells me that 2013 is going to be exciting for me - and not just because next year's looking nothing but upwards!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Holding the Deteriorating Line

It's baffling to me how in my situation, I've yet to go mad. It seems that each day I inch closer to a sealed fate out of my control - even though I'm trying my darndest to keep the reins steady. I try to keep a calm, level-headed, and optimistic look on things, but as the nights grow colder and the resources become barren, it wouldn't be surprising if I were to just lose it.

I think I have a few ideas as to why I haven't plunged into the deep end just yet. I got people out there watching over me. I have a slight amount of luck left. I've been focusing on keeping my spirits high despite the run-down situation I'm stuck in.

And most importantly, I'm glad that I'm still alive. That's always a great thing - and that's probably the reason why I haven't gone downhill. (Because let's face it - death is a pretty bad "downhill" experience. *laughs* deteriorating

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Metal Gear and An Entry

This entry has been postponed because I decided to show my girlfriend the wonderful world that is Metal Gear Solid. As it's one of my favorite video game franchises, it would only make sense that I would share this wonderful story with everyone I know.

Tomorrow for sure. For now... METAL GEAR!>

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Lazy Post-Christmas

I am feeling lazy today! As it's the day after Christmas, this is to be expected.

Expect something better than this tomorrow!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Personal Cultivation

Ideas can come to you out of nowhere. If it's a good one, you should act on it before the thought disappears from you - because it could be gone for good.

That's why you have another short entry today - because I thought of something last night and I'm working on that. I'd rather work on it on my own for the time being because if I were to tell, it might just dissuade me from actually working on it. (Like that makes any sense...)

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Minecraft is becoming waaaaaay too addicting.

I think that's a good thing. *keeps building*

Friday, December 21, 2012

Apocalypse in the Mists

So, since the world didn't end today, I thought I'd give you a bit of a "welcome back to reality, idiots" gift* in the form of a cool entry today.

Yeaaaaaaaah, we're not exploring there today. *flees*
What are you waiting for: me to explode on you guys? Frak that; dig in on the entry already!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Drafted Into the Craft

Today's entry was put on hold thanks to the interference of my friends who decided to give me something new to be addicted to.

If I should become lost in the world of Minecraft, hunt these five down.
Thanks a lot, you bastards. I think my night's plans have been drastically altered now... =P

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Short and Silly

I felt like doing nothing but silly things today. And boy, did I achieve that.

Details to come tomorrow. Hopefully. Maybe. We'll see. As if.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Sundays are rest days. That's what I'm doing. I don't feel like posting anything today, but you know what that means? Something cool tomorrow.

For now I'm just gonna keep on relaxing. It's all I ever do, really.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

About to Look Up

Rolling with the punches sometimes isn't enough. Sometimes you need strength of will to get through to the other side. I'll be honest - I'm not feeling particularly inspired lately for anything. It could be the tail end of 2012 slamming down on me; it could be my current situation; it could be a whole lot of factors that I have constantly (and possibly still) overlooked

Believe me when I say that I'm trying my best to be inspired and post fun things on here. I could be drained. I'm not sure. It feels like this year's been a personal manifestation of Hell. While I might have been thrown face-first into the dirt and left to rot, there's one thing they forgot to do. They forgot to kill me. Their mistake of leaving me alive means I still have a chance to crawl out and get back up from my fall.

With 2012 coming to a close, there's a lot of uncertainty in the air around me. I don't know anything, but I know one thing for sure. I might be ending 2012 on the lowest levels of life that I've ever been in. However, when you're down so low, there's only one direction you can go:


Friday, December 14, 2012

Secretive Work

Coming up with things has never been so much fun. You'll find out somewhere in due time what it is I've been coming up with. Mwahahaha.

Yes; short entry. I'm entitled to it - I'm busy doing things right now.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Something for Something

It's really interesting what happens when you make it so that you have to do something. Because when you do something that makes you want to do something else, you end up getting distracted by something #1.

That's exactly what happened with me today. Originally, I was going to play a bunch of video games and have fun with other people and then blog about my adventures. As you can tell by the previous statement, I got so distracted by all the games that... well, I'm still playing. Hehehe.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to something #1 and somehow work on getting something #2 to work itself out. Eventually. I think. I'm not sure. Ah, well. I'm sure video games will write the rest of this entry. I think. *picks up a Wavebird*

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Out of nowhere I had this sudden nostalgic feeling earlier today. I was driving over a bridge when the sun was out when this sudden desire to stop the car and stand in the bridge's sidewalk came up. Fortunately, I didn't do that (as I'm sure I'd get turned into roadkill or someone for a cop to pull over). However, if I did, I'd probably have a fun time.

It got me wondering, though... why haven't I gone out and done that lately? I remember when I was a kid, my friends and I would go on the highway overpass, look down at the oncoming cars, and pump our arms up and down in an effort to get the passing drivers below to blare their horns.

So, why didn't I do that today? Oh, right - because it's not summertime; I don't live in a semi-downtown area; California's "you have the right of way" "law" is in effect; I'm 23 and now lame. Another time, perhaps.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Frozen Tension

There's a moment in time where one is in waiting for some thing that they consider to be important to them. Depending on the person, it could be anything. The high schooler waits for the acceptance letter from a top college that they applied to, and their heart races the moment something arrives in the mail. The man who just proposed to his girlfriend is waiting for her response (and for some reason, that moment seems to be an eternity away). A famed sports competitor has just finished a performance of their athletic talents and is nervously waiting for the judges' numerical opinions.

With all of the above examples, there comes with it an arrival to the aforementioned "moment in time where one is in waiting" and the palpable tension they go through before the next part happens. That "nervous chill" if you will is a natural response, and it's a near-universal experience for us all.

Today is one of those days where this frozen tension is building up within myself. Just like the above examples, I've arrived and now the wait is starting to get to me. Unlike the others, though... I'm not exactly going through something that could really be considered nerve-wracking. Then again, to each their own - and in my case, the wait for the event is pretty killer.

So, if you feel like waiting alongside me, then keep going.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December Omens

A dark aura has settled on the retail world. Holiday hours have officially begun at Target.

Gods help us all.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cleansing Work

This month is just drowning in chaos. I'm getting thrown left and right in my electronics department, and it's been greaaaaat.

In other words: no big entry tonight. It's been murder, and the clean-up has been... well, fun.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Migraining Daily

Today has been quite weird. A migraine has set in, and I'm just here realizing that I needed food to combat it. Food and iced tea. And all that is making me feel much, much better right now. yay.

What's worse is that I came up with a few great ideas for projects and silly entries, but I didn't have access to my notepad at the time, so I never jotted them down. As such, I've forgotten what they were and am trying really hard to remember them...

...ow. Thinking too hard just hurt my head once again. Great; the migraine's back. Now I have to go back on the floor with a throbbing forehead and no idea as to what interesting endeavors I had come up with in my brain.

In other news, though... I got in contact with a Twilight Empire officer. I'm scheduled for a meeting and interview on Tuesday, so we'll see if I can get myself into this roleplaying guild.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas 2012 Wish List

So like I said yesterday, I'd be displaying my wish list for this Christmas. Without much further ado, here it is! Now go buy me things that I'll enjoy! *giggles*

Note that this list is in no particular order. I just listed them based on the order of which I came up with when I was compsing the list.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Composing a List

After a fair bit of thought, I've finally decided to start jotting down things I want for the holiday season. I came up with a list, and while I could post all of it on here, I'm going to hold out until tomorrow to post it.

I know - it sounds like I'm being lazy, but I'm at work right now and I don't exactly have enough time to work on the HTML for all of this. So, you'll have to wait 'til tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Slight Regression?

Today's Tuesday. I'm not feeling like posting anything just yet, although I'm working on some good projects. That, and I've been practicing on my Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and other fun games skills.

In the meantime, expect a wish list for Christmas 2012 to show up. (Kinda weird considering how some of y'all won't be buying presents on account of the apocalypse.)

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Lion Finally Roars

For the longest time I've been stuck in some kind of energy-draining rut. Work seemed like complete and utter shit (and that's before considering fourth quarter traffic). Gaming felt like a grinding task to perform (and that's before considering the leveling I'm putting Gefallen through). Writing - both on my personal blog here and otherwise - became a chore and a nuance rather than a creative outlet for my restless mind. Life (and living, in general) felt like a despicable curse that haunted my very being.

It's easy to pinpoint (and subsequently blame) potential sources of this lethargic malady... but do I really know if they are the origin points? I found myself beginning to turn blue when my camera got lost a while back. It was found a little over a week ago, and while I was ecstatic (my co-workers will report something on the lines of "overjoyed"), my spirit's core wasn't lifted any. When I lost the right to use the phrase "I'm going home," I wanted to cry my small Asian eyes out and wail like crazy. (Nopony knew this; I'm good at façades.) However, this... depressed "condition" of mine... started long before I became homeless. So, if these weren't the sources (although I can honestly say they amplified my "condition"), that left me to ask two things:
  1. What's the true source of this malady?
  2. Why the frak is it still afflicting me like so? (Or rather: why the frak am I letting it afflict me?)
I don't know the answers, but I'm certain they'll come to me in due time.

I'm going to be frank with you: this post was originally going to end here. As you can see, however, I didn't let it stop. You'll also see that the rest of this entry's overall mood and morale levels are much, much higher than they've been in weeks - nay, months. (PMX 2012 lifted my spirits, but apparently I didn't show it well enough.)

Let's find out what got me to finally roar like the lion I know I am...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Storms Brew

Storm clouds are rolling into town. They contain the rain that will soak the soul and body of people who've yet to see rain throughout the year. And it will show no mercy between those who are protected and those that are not.

Cryptic metaphor? Nah - there's storm clouds over my part of California. I just like being cryptic and what not. Hehehe.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Start of the Unknown

I took a break from work earlier today, and I saw something that I haven't really seen in ages: the sunset.

This wasn't taken today, but you know what? I don't care; it's a sunset. Y'all best be happy.
As the dusk approached me, I realized that I was at work. I realized a lot of things:
  • There is only one more month between us and the apocalypse 2013.
  • I haven't posted anything good here in a while.
  • I should watch things I haven't watched before.
So, let's see what I need to do this December... this last month of what has turned out to be an interesting year. Let's see what needs to be done before all of mankind 2012 ends for us...