Monday, April 30, 2012

Thirty Thousand Trial - Round Two

So I said I had an announcement for y'all today, right? Well, I, uhm... I have some bad news for ya'. There's... there's nothing new for me to tell you about. The announcement that I had for you today was a lie. I'm really sorry. You should just stop reading...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dead Night Thought

Fufufufufufu... when I get an idea, I get an idea. More on that tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to relax my night away.

But how...? Sleep? Or Persona 4? Or cupcakes? Hrm...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sidetrack Attack

So I spent all day today vanquishing some crappy piece of malware that somehow got into my laptop. This is not how I should be spending a Saturday off. *heavy sigh*

If anything, though, spending all this time on my computer to tackle this bastard did have some plus sides to it. I got farther into Persona 4 and got some plans made with friends later on tonight, so it can't all be bad, right?

...right? Well, regardless of your answer, I'm going to go back to my lappy and keep rebooting everything until I'm very sure this stuff's been taken care of.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Drawing Inspiration

Sometimes inspiration can be a hard substance to draw out. The skies are mucked with clouds; the air is stifling and unforgiving; the water is impure and lacking the sustenance necessary to sustain life. It becomes elusive, unattainable - and in the worst scenarios: a myth.

And then there are those times where inspiration is standing right in front of your face... and all you have to do is record every damn word/image/thought that passes by.

Sometimes, things come by like that, so it's best to be prepared.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rusty Synopsis

I ruh-eeealy need to get myself back into the whole "writing quality entries" thing. Seems like lately all I see here is short "DURR LIFE TOOK PRIORITY OVER WRITING HERP" entries... and I don't want that - especially since I'm no longer on vacation.

But first, would you like to see a totally unrelated 15-year-old girl in a bikini a baby that can probably kick your butt?

This is what happens when GameStop employees get bored and they have merch they can no longer sell.
As cool as this kid is, I still think Rise Kujikawa beats it. (*grumble shouldn't have swapped out the bikini!Rise pic mumble*) A-Anyway, let's get this entry over with, huh?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Figures As Much

Three guesses as to what I've been doing all evening. Yeah. That hooked. *embarrassed look*

Monday, April 23, 2012


Lately, I haven't been posting much. I had a valid reason all last week (vacation, duh), but this time the reason may not be so... obvious.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Back to the Grind

'Ello, everyone! Today's Sunday, and you know what that means, don't you? Yes, that's right - my vacation is officially at an end! Muahahahahaha!

*clears throat*

But more on that later. Today also marked the first day of going back to work, and it was... well, interesting. Maybe I'll tell you about everything going on tomorrow or something. You'll just have to tune back in to find out, now won't you?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Seven: The Closer

Today's my last day of vacation. While most people would be somewhat depressed with the thought of having to return to their (crappy) lives, I for some reason don't feel that way. To be honest, I don't mind going back to work (especially since I have the coming Monday and Tuesday off) - it gives me a nice segue back into work.

It's cool, and so is this night. Wahoo. Vacation well spent!

Friday, April 20, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Six: The Cop-Out

The sixth day brought me a bunch of things. It brought me food (in the form of a glorious amount of sushi), friends (in the forms of people who went to get said sushi and friends of old), and alcoholic silliness (in the form of said friends of old and an old GameCube).

...and that's why you're getting a crappy post tonight. I'm on vacation; leave me alone! =P

Thursday, April 19, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Five: Stuffed Research

Ahh... now, this is the life. Relaxing and not having that much to worry about... it almost makes me feel like a kid again. I should probably shut up before I get all nostalgic over days long gone. Time to focus on the now, and that means it's time for RESEARCH.

Panda Express + Lemonade Iced Tea + Persona 4 = FUN NITE WOO
Well, that's my plan for tonight. Between the video game I'm "researching" and the food that gonna fuel me through my "research," I have to say that it's going to be a good night for me. (And yes, it is actual research. Did you already forget...?) Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some... uhh, research... to study for. Ahehehe...

(P.S.: Hehehe. P4 Comic!Dojima is hilarious! He also sounds somewhat like Bryan Cranston, but maybe that's just me.)

All I know is this: apart from awesome things happening tonight, more awesome things will be happening in the next two days. YAY! Until the 'morrow, everypony!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Four: The Middle Meal

As the saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun." That's what's been happening here - I got on a leveling binge on Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and I'm doing far better than I've ever done in this game before. I'd talk about it on this entry, but as the deadline nears for posting today's entry, I'm afraid it'll have to be saved for another time. Regardless, I think past me would be quite impressed with my team... and slightly concerned for it at the same time.

Anyway, today marks the end of the hump day for my vacation. Three days left before I have to go back in to work... but yet I don't miss it. Not yet, at least. I can see some of you asking "Why would Josh miss work?" Well, it does give me something to do, and as most of you know, I lack both the patience and the focus to keep me diligent on any one task. But eh... details, am I right?

Let's see what the tail end of my time off brings me... I'm willing to bet it's an awesome sandwich with extra coolness and a side of righteousness. (And let's not forget the fantastic sundae topped with fun!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Three: Social Nostalgia

It's been a while since I've gone through my external hard drives. I got a trio of them that I just unearthed out of storage, and there's loads of old data from years ago that I suddenly want to go over and look at. Lots of funny things that I totally forgot about... and now that I have the time off to take a look at it all, I think I will.

"This situation - I find it very... nostalgic."

And the best part about this? I'm doing this with friends. (SOCIAL LINK, GO!) But eh, this comes natural with a vacation, right. *keeps looking through the old files*

Monday, April 16, 2012

2012 Vacation Day Two: The Preparation

Today's entry marks the closing hours of Day Two. This vacation's been pretty good so far (come on; not working is always a good feeling), and I get the feeling that bigger and more exciting things are to come.

And speaking of more exciting things to come, I think you should pay attention to the rest of this week. Yeah. I'm gonna be spewing awesome on here. It's going to make up for how short this entry and the previous one were.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

2012 Vacation Day One: The Recovery

With all of my vacation periods, it's been a mandatory requirement that I make the first day a "recovery day" from work.

Firstly, I sleep in to the maximum amount that my body needs. This all depends on many factors, but generally the main points I have to look at are how much time I've spent draining myself at work and how much sleep I've had the prior few nights. This time, I didn't need to catch up on much (there was one occasion where I slept for about sixteen hours - don't know exactly how that worked...), so I was happy on that.

Second: it allows me to get psyched for the time off. Last thing I need to do is rush into this headlong and tire myself out by day four.

Third: video games. I get to catch up on my beloved games. Wai~!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to keep "recovering." *boots up Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and prepares to kick some Daein ass*

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hurdling Questionnaire

It seems almost like a sin for me to work today. Let's face it - when you have a few days off coming up and you've got nothing but relaxation waiting for you, you pretty much shut down and go on autopilot on the last day. That whole waking experience becomes one last hurdle before you get to go off and do fun things you actually want to do.

A (not-so-)accurate readout of the weather from Persona 4. What's funny is that this game technically takes place in the majority of 2011... yet the weather seemed spot-on all week (minus today).
That's what today is for me. Today marks the last day before I go on a much-needed vacation, and working tonight just seems to be an annoying splinter in my side.

So, some of you are asking a few questions. Rather than do something boring like explain myself and my (zany) motives to each and every one of you, I'm going to go ahead and use a "more fun" option: a quick Q&A panel! Let's see how well I can read your minds...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Such is Life to Forget

I really hate when I have a great amount of ideas running through my head and not enough time to properly record them. In the middle of editing HTML for one of the pages I have on this site, a few good ideas came up. And now, I've forgotten most of them. Sure, I could've switched my PC's active programs and gone from using Chrome to Microsoft Word or something, but by the time the program boots up, I end up forgetting what it is I was going to take down.

I mean, this happens to me a lot - this is why I keep a pen and a notepad on me at virtually all times. Last thing I want to do is come up with an idea that could blossom into something more... and then forget it when my mind just jumps to something else.

I honestly don't know what I'm saying sometimes... this rain is totally getting to me, apparently. Which kind of scares me, considering what rain means in Persona 4....

And... that's creepy

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gloom Out

With the weather being all mucky and rainy (I honestly don't recall seeing the sun anywhere in the sky once today), I can safely say that today's been a slow and almost-uninspiring day. There's just something about the rain that bothers me and brings my work ethic down.

Ugh. When it passes, maybe I'll be able to keep to my word on posting schedules or something.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Middle Ground

Ah, Wednesday. The day known as the middle of the week (assuming you operate your calendar from a "Sunday to Saturday" format as opposed to a "Monday to Sunday" one). "Hump Day," as some people like to call it. For me, though, it's just another day. But eh - that's alright with me.

I'm afraid I don't have much to report on for you today; I have work in a bit and I must prepare for that. However, I've got a few ideas churning up for what I could do tomorrow. Between posting an awesome entry and updating some of the pages, I'm not sure... but stay tuned tomorrow and you'll be sure to find out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Researching the Shadows

Well, I did say today was going to be a good entry. Of course, my definition of "good" varies greatly against yours, so your mileage will vary on this one. But why judge it on this section when you can totally judge it after reading the rest of today's entry? Let's go!

What a nice set of clouds in the sky earlier this afternoon!
And no, my head's not in the clouds. I just wanted a picture at this part of the blog so that when I link this entry on Facebook, you don't notice the other pics first. =P

Monday, April 9, 2012

Schmuck Bait

So instead of working on some projects like I intended to today, I ended up creating a Microsoft Word-based repository for the great many cards I've made for 1000 Blank White Cards. It just goes to show that while I get easily distracted, it doesn't mean I'm not doing anything productive.

Anyway, expect a cool entry tomorrow.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Out

Well, it's Easter Sunday. For Christians and the Christian Reservists (a.k.a.: those "part-time" Christians that seem to only show up at church during Christmas and Easter services), that means a guy resurrected after being dead for roughly three days.

For the rest of the world who either doesn't practice Christianity or just doesn't care for religion, it's a Sunday where any Christian-dominated country automatically gives its citizens a 75% chance to have the day off. (I'm part of that 75%. To my brothers and sisters in the retail world who aren't so lucky: my condolences.)

So, what's that mean for me? Between having the day off (thank you, Target) and getting some things done that I wanted to get done, it looks as though it may be a busy day despite how much I don't have to do anything.

Anyway, I'm off!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Seven Write Up

Remember how back on Monday I said I had this urge to write a paper? Well, after much deliberation, I finally came up with an idea for one.

Scratch that - it's not just one idea. It's seven. Honestly, I amaze myself sometimes with how many impossible goals I set for myself. As I was attempting to narrow down what I wanted to write about, I began thinking how unfair it'd be if I were to just write on one of them. (These seven topics are actually somewhat linked to each other.)

So as such, just a heads-up: there's going to be some major writing coming up here later on this month. Right now I need to do some research and what not, and as I don't have enough time between now and work, I need to hop to it.

Friday, April 6, 2012


It's kinda when you almost miss deadlines. It's a definitely scary thing when you do.

But eh - things happen.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I didn't know what to type for today, mainly because today is kind of weird for me. Normally, I get Tuesdays and Thursdays off, but this week I had Monday off, and tonight I'm working because I took someone's shift (hey, I needed the money).

It's still bright outside. Thank goodness for daylight savings. Maybe I'll soak up some rays before I head in or something. It's nice to get some sun.

I need music. And a loud, portable speaker. And maybe batteries.

Using my vacation pay sounds like a good thing to do. Maybe I should do that sometime this month... I could sure use a vacation. That, and I'm pretty sure I deserve one at this point.

I honestly don't know what else I'm typing up here. I'm bored; time to do other things until tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Top Ten: Video Game Bosses

Yes, folks: you're reading that right. After a long drought, there's finally another Top Ten list here on The White Knight Chronicles! I told you I'd have something cool for you today! (Just ignore the fact that this was supposed to be up yesterday and everything will be peachy. *winks*)

This time, we'll reminisce over some of those amazing/harrowing/nasty/tense video game (mini-)boss fights that really impressed me. Remember, this is not just focusing on the gameplay of the fight itself (although it is a decent factor I consider). Again, as mentioned with my Top Ten lists, feel free to (dis)agree with my choices or wonder why I chose whoever I chose. It's my list after all, so I'm obviously going to have differing tastes than you.

As some of these fights are driven by the plot, there are bound to be spoilers. I won't black them out. You have been warned, so read at your own risk!

Anyway, who are they, you ask? Well, keep on reading this entry and find out for yourself!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This Better Not Be Like Last Time

Okay, so there's nothing cool here today. I spent most of it relaxing and typing up what was supposed to be here today, but as you can see, it's not here today.

Don't fret - this is not going to end up like last month. like I said, April's a new month and I have many things planned. The post is about 85% done, but I'm fleshing out everything and ironing out any kinks to the text.

You want proof that it's actually happening? Well, then... here.

This is a snippet tomorrow's entry. Ignore the words - unless you haven't seen that entry, it's nothing new.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go ahead and slowly get the rest of this finished. (And maybe run some dailies on Gef.) Until the 'morrow, everyone - I SHALL RETURN.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Productive Record in Life

"He's targeting us!"
It's a new month! You know what that means? It means it's time to step in gear and get something moving! Time to read! Time... to... RIGHT-CLICK CHARGE!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foolish Survival

So I survived April Fools' Day without getting pranked on. I found this to be quite interesting. No silly joke; no ridiculous setup; no attempt to totally throw off my sanity and perception. Huh.

I want to theorize that this happened because of the following reasons:
  1. April Fools' Day rested on a Sunday this year.
  2. Sunday = Church
  3. High school whelplings were too busy going "LIEK OMG, SPRNIG BRAKE EVRY1!!1 =D"
  4. Aliens.
  5. They had other priorities to focus on.
Shame, really - I was looking forward to being part of someone's crazy scheme. Ah, well. In any case, I have tomorrow and Tuesday off, so I'm treating it as a weekend. WHEE!

Expect much blogging, World of Warcraft, sleeping, and other silly things sometime during these next 48 hours or so. Until the 'morrow, everypony! See y'all then!