Friday, December 30, 2011

Eve of Eves

New Year's Eve looms upon us. As this entry makes its way through the Internet and solidifies Post 364, I'd like to say a few things.

For one, I'm gonna be busy and stuck at work for the next few days. No, I don't mean I'm going to be at work until God-knows-when - I mean that most of my waking hours that aren't spent preparing for the day or playing something awesome on my 3DS will be used up at work, because I like to earn money.

Which leads to the second point I'd like to talk to you about: the highly probably chance that the next great entry will either be on January 2 or 3, 2012.

Why so late, you ask? Well, obviously work is an issue. There's also a lot of things I want to talk about (and I mean a lot), and to prep for a big entry like I'm planning requires some prior editing of the content's HTML that extends the typing session to more than just a few hours. That, or I just had so much to type that it took me more than two sit-down sessions in front of my laptop to pull it off.

"All this has happened before, and will happen again." Much like the credo heard in Battlestar Galactica, I've taken my time with some entries that I think were pretty epic in their own rights. And since I like dedicating time to craft a good entry, it's going to happen again - and not just with that upcoming entry that's going to show up next year.

Which means that y'all best be prepared for something awesome. It's probably going to be long and chock-full of content, and I'm pretty sure there's also going to be pictures as well.

Just thought I'd let you know in case you're wondering what's in store for the next few days.

In other news, I think I had a 24 Hour Flu or something. Sore body's gone; only trace of me being sick is a not-so-raw throat and a very light stuffy nose.

Stupid off-day sickness. =(

Until the 'morrow, everyone.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Karting Logic

So when I'm not working or sleeping today, I've been playing a lot of Mario Kart 7. A LOT. Matter of fact, it's the reason why today's entry is so frakkin' short and lame. (It's not because I'm at work. Noooooo...)

Well, if anything, there's going to be a great entry tomorrow. I'm sure of it.

Until the 'morrow, everybody! *zips off as Daisy*

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wishes That Never Were

I want this blog entry to be finished when I told myself it would be finished! If that was actually on my Christmas wish list, I wouldn't have received this, then. I'm going to be honest here: TV Tropes essentially stole about three hours' worth of potential typing time because it's so frakkin' addicting!

But no more! (For now, at least. I CAN QUIT WHEN I WANT TO!) I'm going back to typing this entry up so y'all can read something interesting! *cue three more hours spent on TV Tropes, playing Mario Kart 7, and/or eating din-din*


*adds "the opportunity to freely slap the magnificent bastard who introduced TV Tropes to me" to the Christmas 2012 wishlist*

Monday, December 26, 2011

Last Week Battle Plans

Lock and load, people - it's time to begin the final week of 2011! No one is going belly-up unless I say you can go belly-up! Suck in your [(post)-holiday] stomach - and I don't give a frak if it's full of all the delicious food you ate yesterday! This ain't no soup kitchen; this is WAR!

We have six days left until the (supposed) last year is upon us, so get your butts in shape and kick those Nazi scumbags execute the FTL jump get a move on READING, READER!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Eve

This entry has been claimed by a Christmas Eve shift at work and me sleeping in due to hanging out with friends last night after work. No doubt that it's going to be one of the most stressful and hectic days of the year.

*deep breath* I am prepared. I am ready to face the onslaught. Just get me some war paint. And my axe. And my vuvuzela.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hateful Friday Love


Namie Amuro - "Baby Don't Cry"

For those of you who don't know who Namie Amuro is (which is just about all of you), she is a famous Japanese R&B and pop singer widely hailed as the "Queen of Japanese Pop." With a career spanning nearly two decades, Amuro has certainly earned a legendary reputation as a long-lasting idol.

As I began to wonder what to relax to when I was typing today's entry, WinAmp cycled through some of her music. I figured, "Eh, why not?" and scoped through her discography. Play was her first album that I was exposed to, so it only made sense that I pick something from it.

So I promised you something decent, eh? Well, if you look up at the top of the page, you might notice an old page is back - "The Hate List." I took it down earlier this month for the whole "renovation" project I was doing, and I just finished going over that page.

Now when you look at it, you'll notice some features that weren't there before:
  • Pictures!
  • Improved navigation and links (for you lazy chums)!
  • More things to hate! (25 things on the list now.)
  • Humor!
Trust me when I say: You'll enjoy it. You'll get some laughs out of it. Plus, you might learn something about me as well. Isn't that a win-win?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sleeper Entry

Lately it's been hard for me to get myself motivated and inspired to start my day. It's probably because of all the crazy work and how insane my job's been as of late. Of course, one can tell with the new posts I had for yesterday and the day before.

I'll post something nice mañana. Oh, and expect an old page to be back up and running as well!

Until then... *zzz*

Monday, December 19, 2011

Prophetic Slumber - The Awakening

I had a hard time motivating myself to get up out of bed today. My alarm clock chirped me awake at 0900, and I'd tell it to shut up by smacking the snooze button. A few minutes later, it'd scream at me again and I'd slap it quiet in response and attempt to lull myself back to dream land. (And no, I don't mean the "Dream Land" of the Kirby games.)

This exchange lasted for a good hour or two before I decided to finally get up.

For a few moments I sat there, just wondering why it took me so bloody long to pull myself up. Fatigue? No; I just woke up. Lethargy? How could that be; it's my day off. Mental exhaustion? Hard to possess when your tolerance for stupidity has been the only thing drained from your brain.

So what was it? A premonition... that something dark is coming. I'll explain later - have to clock back in to my oh-so-calm (not) job.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

List of Dreams

Gooood afternoon, everyone! Welcome to a special Sunday edition of The White Knight Chronicles, where we're going to have some major fun today! (At least I hope it's fun.)

So what're you waiting for? Read on!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gone Treasure Hunting

With the second half of the last month of the year upon us, I thought it'd be nice if I posted something big and hearty sometime this weekend. Obviously, that ain't today. You'll see it tomorrow.

In other news: Wario Land 4. =D

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ten Free Gifts for Me

In today's news, the wait that Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors have been enduring is finally over in the form of an early Christmas present. Nintendo has finally released the ten free Game Boy Advance games promised to all those who purchased a 3DS at the original standard price of $249.99 USD.

In alphabetical order, those games are as follows:
  • F-Zero Maximum Velocity
  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  • Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
  • Mario Kart: Super Circut
  • Mario vs Donkey Kong
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island
  • Wario Land 4
  • WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$

These games are exclusively for Nintendo Ambassadors only. All you other 3DS owners who bought it at the lower $169.99 USD can suck it. =P

Anyway, when I saw that they updated the 3DS shop so we Ambassadors could download these games (finally), I took a bit of time to look over the titles available to us special people. I was rather surprised with the selection. After getting over the "whoo, free swag" euphoria, I began to garner some thoughts about each of the games.

F-Zero Maximum Velocity
I never really was much of an F-Zero gamer. The only reasons why I knew of the franchise was because of two things:
  1. I have a friend who plays the F-Zero games.
  2. Captain Fabulous Falcon.
But hey - who am I to refuse a free game? Especially one that I'll play because I absolutely loved my Game Boy Advance? (So much in fact, that my friend "preserved" it with floral tape. It's sitting in my storage unit somewhere, so remind me to fetch you a photo of it when I get the chance - or rather, when I find it.)

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
I became ecstatic after seeing this pop up. I'll admit: I'm more of a "newer" fan of Fire Emblem - I was introduced to the series during my upperclassman high school years. While Sacred Stones wasn't the first game in the series that I played (Path of Radiance has that honor), it was the first Fire Emblem I actually finished. Now that I have it again, I know I'm going to have so much fun.

For you Fire Emblem fans: if you know this game, I have a few things to say.
  1. Natasha/Joshua. I liked their relationship so much that I've already decided on using them for my final party.
  2. Amelia. FRAK, YES. When I did a second run-through on my original GBA cartridge, I decided to try the three recruits out. Amelia's stat growths were so insane she became a badass General. With boots.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
I remember this game... it was, like almost ten years ago. It was short, but it was pretty fun. FIGHTER POWERUP FTW.

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Can't say I've played this before, but hey - that means another thing for me to play through on my eventual "video game vacation" I'll be taking sometime next year. (I should probably also work on Wind Waker and Link's Awakening, too...

Mario Kart: Super Circuit
As much as I adore the Mario Kart games, I've never played Super Circuit. Guess it's time for me to do so now!

Mario vs Donkey Kong
Same goes with the Mario vs Donkey Kong series. New stuffs!

Metroid Fusion
The only Metroid game I've completed is Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo. That should change, and I think Fusion will be key in that.

Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island
The Game Boy Advance Port of Super Mario World 2, eh? Awesome. Naval Piranha, you're about to get some payback for freaking me out oh-so-many-years-ago.

Wario Land 4
This was one of the first games I got for my Game Boy Advance. Anyone with a Game Boy of some iteration was likely to possess some game in the Wario Land series. Now I once again have a chance to get the anti-Mario his treasure! *Wario laugh*

WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$
Ahehehe... I remember this game quite fondly. So many silly games - so little time for all of them. Ahehehe. I'm going to enjoy this a LOT - especially since I want to unlock all the microgames.

Merry frakkin' Christmas, indeed. =D

Now if you'll excuse me, I got games to play. *gleefully starts up Sacred Stones*

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My 3DS Can Blog

Today's entry was composed entirely on my Nindendo 3DS.

It's quite interesting to type on here; to be honest, I have no idea what got me to write today's entry on mine. Eh - it doesn't matter. This is awesome nonetheless.

Pokémon Rumble Blast has been surprisingly difficult lately. As mentioned before, I'm at Worl Rank 9, but even with legendaries at 3,000+ power, I'm unable to conquer the last Battle Royale challenge. Then again, that shouldn't be surprising, as all the Pokémon in the fight are legendaries. It's an insane challenge, but despite the losses I've had, I got closer and closer to tasting victory. That, I think, counts for something.

Well, I'm going to go prepare for work. More madness is to be expected, so I must stand ready. Until the 'morrow!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Resolution Confidence

As the halfway point of this month (the 16th) draws ever so closer, it's gotten me to think about some things. Namely, how I did this year in relation to how I did last year - or in other words: did I got any better or did I get worse?

Retail © Norm Feuti
Heh. I already know the answer to that question.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Horrors

This entry explains why the retail world drives the proverbial nail in the Christmahaunakwanzaka coffin.

Or rather: why the retail world drives the proverbial nail in my Christmahaunakwanzaka coffin.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mellow Grind

Good afternoon, everybody. How goes it on this fine and... *looks outside* ...okay, not-so-fine day? It's cloudy outside. Nothing better to abruptly alter your general mindset than the weather. That's just frakkin'... *looks outside again* ...sunshine? So it's partly sunny? Joy!

Starry K. - "Sailor"
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Original Soundtrack

Muzak - always a nice genre of music for those moments of casual, upbeat, relaxing ambiance. As I've mentioned before, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater featured eight "healing tracks" that would restore your in-game stamina and health after listening to each one. "Sailor" is one of them, and it definitely possesses a calming, mellow sound to it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Late Over the Hill

Today can be considered my hump day of sorts. It's day three of five days working strenuously at work. Things have begun to look upward, though - the last few days we somehow managed to make sales.

I'd post more but I'm going to be late if I don't leave right now.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Because Biographies are AWESOME

"It's a feature of our age that if you write a work of fiction, everyone assumes that the people and events in it are disguised biography. But if you write your biography, it's equally assumed you're lying your head off."
- Margaret Atwood

I found this quote particularly amusing because not only is it true, but it applies to an update I've made on this oh-so-(not-)humble blog of mine.

I finished updating my biography page!

Yeah! Now you can look and take a gander at exactly how much lying I did on that page!

The other pages will be coming back online in due time, but for now they're still in the construction yard undergoing maintenance. Patience, friends. My 100% totally true biography will sate your desires and hold you over until the next update occurs.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


There's nothing like the sinking feeling you get after receiving and accepting a call in to work on your day off.

My plans for today consisted of the following tasks (in no particular order):
  • take a shower
  • go grocery shopping
  • sort through my music
  • re-watch/listen to season one of Battlestar Galactica
  • recode a frak-ton of HTML on the side pages of this blog
  • relax and take it easy for all of today
I got most of that done, but now I won't be able to pull off those last two.

After hanging up my cell phone, I found myself caught in a mental purgatory of sorts. I looked at the recoded pages - or what I had done for the day - and took a deep breath as reality sunk in.

On one hand I need to get as many hours as possible so I can stay financially adrift. We (and by we I mean the Target I work at) haven't been doing so well in terms of sales, and as such we've been forced to cut our hours much earlier in the holiday season than necessary. I normally get a number that hovers around the mid-thirties, but due to the cuts I've been reduced by roughly ten hours. Whoo. Getting called in means more hours for me, which means more monies to throw around for bills and what not. That basically means I will survive.

However, when we inspect the other side of the coin, taking and accepting the call now makes me feel like I'm not even respecting myself for a much-needed personal day. While I get decent time for myself to relax and not get pushed around at work, I have rarely had an off-day where I can relax and accomplish everything I set out to do for that day. Off-days provide me with the opportunity to recharge both my batteries and my sanity. I get to live.

Both choices are important in their own rights, but in the end, we're at a crossroads, and there's no backing out once a decision to turn is made.

Now, this means that at the fork in the road, I had to choose between two options that - in my view - are surprisingly symbiotic. Those choices? Survival, and living. By choosing the first option I succeed in surviving, but I sacrifice my freedom and my sanity. Choosing the latter option lets me stay at peace, but it dooms me when it comes to surviving in the real world. I understand both sides of the situation, and I know that in most scenarios, selection of "survival" is the preferred option. I just... I just don't know how long I can keep choosing that side before I get burnt out of that choice.

*sigh* Maybe I'm just ranting about the minutiae again. I 'unno. So, until I actually go in to work, I'm just going to finish what I can with the page editing.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blinders On

Renovations are going smoothly so far. As most of you have probably noticed, quite a few of the page tabs at the top are missing. I had those pages taken down so I can tweak the content and the HTML without having a few nosy people catching wind of the changes until I'm ready to display 'em.

I can't give you an ETA on when this stuff'll be done - I swear I'm getting new ideas that I want to toy with every hour. Alls I can say is that when you see those missing pages again, you'll like what I did to them. (I hope.)

Anyway, I need to prepare for work. That means shower, lunch preparations, and finishing the HTML changes I'm making right now. Until the 'morrow!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday Announcement of Renovation

*double takes* WHAAT!?
Yeap. Sokka's sign... er, painting... is correct.

After spending some time looking over some of the stuff I have on this (not-so-) humble blog of mine, I figured I could make do with some cosmetic changes. While I am happy with how the blog looks at this moment (this simple design template works fine, really), there's some things on here that I need to get fixed - mostly because it looks aghast in my eyes.

Just as a note of forewarning: the changes you'll see here are not going to be overly dramatic. I'm not changing the colors and text to screw with any of you or anything, nor am I going to make this simple online journal of sorts extremely difficult to navigate. There's just a bit of things here and there that need repairs... and that's where I'm coming in to fix 'em.

Of course, what am I fixing? Well, I'll leave you to figure it out. The changes will slowly reveal themselves to you if you're curious enough to click around.

Oh, yay - looking through lines of code to make this site as close to perfect as possible.
What a reward this is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to begin scanning my code. I'll see y'all tomorrow. *starts typing furiously*

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scrubbed Blasts

I want to post something, but something is telling me to post it tomorrow, so I will. In the meantime, Pokémon Rumble Blast and Scrubs are calling my name. Whee!

Good post showing up tomorrow, so you'll get to enjoy something as the work week starts!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Late Budgeting

Something tells me that today will be one of those interesting days at work tonight.

I don't know what it is. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

I know - another crap-short entry, but I kinda woke up late, and catching up on Retail didn't really help me out any. =/

Later, all.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unions of December Fun

Eleven months down and now... we're at the tail end of 2011. Amazing, isn't it?

Bear McCreary - "Dirty Hands"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 3 Original Soundtrack

I wanted to surprise you with a little something different, and I believe this piece does just that. Those of you who only know of Battlestar Galactica's music through what I've posted here will find a stark contrast between what I've posted before and "Dirty Hands." That's good - there was meant to be a difference in what you've heard before and expect to hear from the soundtrack... and what you end up hearing afterwards.

"Dirty Hands" aurally represents a "working man" theme, conveying through music a sense of hard labor and strain faced by crews aboard some of the more "essential" ships in the refugee fleet (such as a fuel refinery ship and a sewage treatment vessel). You can almost picture the formation of a union strike with this music. Matter-of-fact: a strike ended up occurring in the show itself...

As I've been a working man of sorts for the past eleven months, I have to say that this blues-sounding track carries a musical representation of the hard work I've done and the hard work I'll have to face in the future.

Plus, this makes for good background music for typing stuff up. Try it the next time you're writing some big, bag paper or a vehement e-mail to your supervisor about the pointlessness of TPS reports (or whatever business ethics minutiae you're calling them out on). Take the fight of the common man into your hands!, I mean... *twiddles thumbs*