Thursday, May 31, 2012

Statistical Video

I guess it's fitting that I have a day off for the last entry during my Thirty Thousand Trial. It also seems to be a bit of a bookend for this month as well. The first entry of this month was on a Tuesday, a day I usually get off. Today's Thursday, and I get those off occasionally as well. Both days begin with a "T," so that's another similarity. It also seems fitting that the sky was clear by the end of the day - and while the other side was cloudy, at least it didn't rain.

Anywho, just as a disclaimer, I'm going to warn you right now that a good portion of this entry involves math. If you suck at math, you might not want to read the first section and skip straight to the second (and more entertaining) part.

Regardless, this is tonight's entry and I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Disproportional Return

You know it's going to be an interesting day if the first five seconds of your day started with a tired sign and the words: "I need a drink."

Sunday night looked something like this. Plus three friends. Plus beer. Plus fun.
In all honesty, I didn't drink anything today. (Not yet, at least.) However, it got me thinking about some things, which as we all know leads into more thinking about more things. And then it hit me like a slippery fish: I haven't posted anything yet. Frak! *downs a screwdriver and begins typing furiously*

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quick Writes and Foods

Food is amazing, isn't it? The way it tastes, the way it smells, the way it looks... and yet they come in so many flavors, scents, and appearances. It's awesome, and as such, there's a story regarding food that I'd like to regale to you tonight. It's a short and quick little ditty, but the food results are simplistically satisfactory.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Laws of War

Expect a good entry tomorrow on my day off. Right now, I'm doing what I can to rest, recuperate, just do fun things, and possibly some laundry on the side. And to do so requires me to be a bit of a lazy-ass. So, yeah. Until the 'morrow. Here's some Murphy's Laws on warfare I found and collected over the years.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Inside Clique

(Author's Note: I don't know what I write about sometimes. For this particular piece I pulled, it was part of a high school English speech I did about cliques. Back then, I really hated the thought of it all, but... now, I just wonder what was going through my head...)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Look Into the Past: "Upgraded Financial Compromise"

Since I've been up this morning, I've been cleaning house. I'm a bit of a pack rat, and I know that I have a lot of things to sort through. And then it hit me - it's 1400! I have work in two hours, and I haven't posted a blog entry for today yet! Frak!

For lack of time, I decided to look at the past and see a random entry I posted long, long, long ago. It's interesting to look at the past sometimes, and this not only gives me my one thousand word quota for the day, but it also lets you readers see how I used to operate years ago. It's kinda similar to how I operate now, but at the same time there's a level of maturity not present in it.

It amazes me sometimes how I was once like this. But why speak about it when I can show you what I was like back then?

[ORIGINAL POST CREATED ON: Wednesday, August 12, 2006}

Friday, May 25, 2012

Slingshot Entry

Welcome, reader! Today's Friday, May 25, 2012, and it's quite an interesting day!

Daytime Status: cloudy with a chance of sun.
So today ended up as a mellow day so far. Cloud cover threatened a sunny day (which could've been nice as it's a Friday and all) and yet the sun's still strong enough to cause most people (read: the indoors-kind of people) to squint when looking outside. It's the perfect weather to relax and do stuff at the same time. Confused? Good.

Normally, with sunny days, you'd expect people to hang out together and what not. Y'know, soak some rays up, do something aquatic-based (from swimming to snow cone eating competitions), have a great time, and totally do social things. With rainy days, people tend to do the opposite. The more sociable people will attempt their best efforts at organizing some kind of hangout, while the busybodies with projects to take care of will stay inside their shelters and work.

But with this weather... I don't know. While cloudy days tend to put a damper on the mood, there are certain times where it's still cloudy and somehow sunny enough to make it a good day. The clouds are fluffy and mostly white (meaning that the threat of rain is low - unless you're in Seattle), the blue skies break through once in a while, the sun is still able to mercilessly beat down on your eyes.

Maybe I can find a way to hang out with people and work on some things at the same time. *shrugs* I 'unno.

And then the night began, and the sunset looked nice. And then I began typing other things.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Afternoon Morning Countdown

All it takes is a little bit of rain to ruin your sandwich day...
Sometimes, life just wants to rain on your parade. What happens next is up to you - if you decide to take to take action. This was my mission for today, and as can be seen with the rest of this entry, I chose to accept it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Dog Show

Sometimes when I'm writing I end up writing way out of order. It's what happens when I try writing chronologically and can't pull it off. It provides a bit of an advantage, as I can flesh out more bits of the plot that happens later on while I still flesh out the characters we learn to cheer or jeer for in the beginning of the story.

It's a common tactic seen with artists making a story on some kind of medium, though writers are usually the most common folk who have to wrestle with that kind of thing.

While I was working on Shock Squad BETA I had a few of those experiences. This was what resulted. (Yes, I'm aware I'm being lazy. It's called "waking up late and realizing you have work in a half-hour right before you finally begin typing up today's entry.)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Elbe (Part One)

For lack of a better thing to type up, I decided to throw another snippet of Shock Squad BETA on here. It's partially because I'm too lazy to type something up and mostly because I want to save processing speed - I'm having a massive data organizing session between my external hard drives and a brand-new one I got to help ease my lack of data space.

Anyway, here. A bit of the first episode.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Last of the Brave

Every once in a while an artist comes up with a project so grand that it will take years to complete. That isn't a typo or anything.

Suffice to say that if they had the power to do so, they would put every ounce of energy and creativity into this project and make it something that will last for the rest of their lifetime. Hopefully, it may even surpass them and become something heralded as a cultural artifact. Regardless of its outcome, the artist wants to make it, but something limits them from doing so.

For some, it could be financial issues. This project in question requires materials or studios or software or plane tickets to gods-know-where or something of the sort. They may lack the blessings of silver spoons, recently-deceased rich relatives, or well-paying jobs. It's not that the project needs the money - it's that the project requires money if the artist wants it to turn out well.

For some others, it's time. They're at a dead-end job trying to raise the money for said project. They require the utmost amount of focus in their classes so they can get a well-paying job. They might have other prior arrangements that chip away at their free-time. There could be other things that just totally wipe their energy afterwards, leaving any remaining free time that could have been used on the project to be re-routed to sleep.

While there are many other factors that could alter the outcome of this project, the one thing the artist knows is that they want to do this very badly. If they could, they'd focus their whole lives and finances on it. The project matters to them that much.

For me, one of these projects just flashed itself out of the backburner somewhat. I had always wanted to create something memorable using machinima set in the Halo universe, but I've never had the finances to pool up the necessary resources to make it, nor have I had the time to even consider making the videos in question. It's made me somewhat depressed looking at the rough drafts I had conceived for it, but at the same time it's making me a bit hopeful - could I somehow get the time and the money to perform this project through and through?

I'm not sure. But anyway, here's a snippet of the project. Old readers will know what this is, but you newbies won't. Don't worry - I'll explain everything in due time, but for now... I'll show you.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Carded Candy Hackers

So things have been quite interesting lately. Items were found, issues have arisen, cards were played, and tensions just increased. It's life, and while all of those things combined seem to be quite troublesome... they still will be, no matter how one's outlook is.

One wouldn't guess that this photo was taken from behind a mesh screen.
Now, as it's a Saturday, that means I have work, which means I miss out on a lot of things, like graduating friends, dazzling sunsets, and a night out on the town. So, to make up for it, I write. And write. And write some more so that I have a thousand words for this entry today. Let's get cracking.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Laughing Cold: The Surveyed Past

Today's entry title has probably confused you somewhat. Well, I'm here to say that the meat of this entry has nothing to do with whatever you're thinking of (though the wiser of you who're looking at the tags might be able to deduce what's going on here) today.

Honor Hold, the Alliance base in the Hellfire Peninsula. World of Warcraft know this place, and (depending on their faction of choice) will either see this place as a bastion of steadfast fortitude or an annoying eyesore of an enemy stronghold.
But rather than explain it here so you can just skim onward, I'll just let the rest of the entry speak for itself. It's a cold day, after all - and I don't mean that kind of cold, either.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

No Change Without Conflict

Okay, I need to really stop trying to post an entry only to find myself distracted by cooler things - like, you know, life. As such, I've been finding myself forced to use the "In Case of Emergency" folder, and I keep telling myself to stop, stop, stop using that blasted folder!

Well, with life, being what is is, I'm not surprised that I'm using it more and more - especially because of this month and my frakkin' requirement. Ah, well. I have something ready and primed, but I need to go through some coding changes for it... so, yeah.

Yes, call it a bad judgement of timing or what not, but eh. Until the 'morrow.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Top Ten: Fictional Females

Time for another Top Ten list from yours truly, everyone! *fires confetti gun*

For today's segment, we'll be taking a closer look at various works of fiction and observing which characters are my favorites. More specifically, I'll be analyzing those who lack a "Y" chromosome - in other words: the females.

Now, keep in mind that there will most likely be spoilers - especially if the character in question goes through some scary things in the plot. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Anyway, let's go ahead and find out the fictional ladies who've earned a spot on my Top Ten list!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

No Likey Food Poisoning

One of my friends came down with a case of food poisoning today. In order to poke fun at them for it "honor" their plight, I decided to hang out with 'em. I've lost track of the time, so I decided to pull one from the "In Case of Emergency" folder again. And whaddya know - it fits well with today's scenario!

Anyway, enjoy this crappy high school paper I found. (Geez, reading it makes me nauseous... urp.)

Monday, May 14, 2012


Today's a very special day for me you this blog! You wanna know why? Well, that's because
and as such, I think it's time for an awesome entry to notarize an awesome day (assuming the weather where you live is making it awesome) so that you can have some more awesome while experiencing plenty of awesome.

Oh, and while we're ready to celebrate, here's a birthday cookie plate with... one cookie on it. And a candle.
Awesomeness aside, let's go ahead and see what I have to say to you today on the big five-zero-zero. There's a lot, so be prepared for plenty of awesomeness words and plenty of fun! (And pictures. And other things. You'll just have to keep reading on to find out what's here.)

But while you go on and read, preparations must be made. For that, I need to dive in to the crazy for a bit and make sure that this fictitious party is prepared correctly. Hit it, Pinkie Pie!

The "Party Cannon." Never leave home without one. *presses the fuse*
Sooooo... ignore the explosions and confetti that may be going around while I prepare for all this.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Distracted By Awesome

For the first time in a while I got a Sunday off that I didn't ask for. That partially explains why I haven't posted anything here until now, but what else was responsible for me slacking off on my writing?

Pinkie Pie doesn't know the answer to that question, and frankly, neither do I.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Hand At Advice

Back in high school, I was in the school newspaper working primarily as a copy editor and partially as an op/ed writer. It inspired me at one point to try to make my own self-published pieces. I found one I wrote back in the new year seasons of 2007. o.O

Friday, May 11, 2012

Umami Dream

You know how sometimes you end up partaking in an adventure you want no part of? How you end up being dragged along (nearly) against your will but are entitled to embark on the journey because you don't really have a choice in the matter? How you may or may not vocally express your disdain in what's going on?

Well, that scenario will most likely end in one of two ways:
  1. The story drags on and you find yourself getting impaled by boredom and horrible times.
  2. The story takes a surprising twist in a new and better direction, and you feel like a jerk for complaining about getting dragged along.
Yesterday ended up becoming one of these stories, and if my completely vague and illogical ranting from yesterday didn't indicate to you how it ended, then you're in for a surprise as you'll see here shortly.

Last night, I had a burger. But this wasn't just any burger... it was a MANLY burger.
A rather tasty surprise, mind you. Heck, this surprise is so astounding that I need to put a disclaimer label on here right now.

WARNING: The White Knight would (at this time) like to warn you about the impending content of this entry. It contains graphic images and descriptions that will probably scar you forever (in a surprisingly good way). Reading and looking at this entry will probably cause various symptoms inside your body, including (but not limited to):
  • sudden mouthwatering and hunger pangs
  • a sudden urge to look up an address, business website, and/or your bank account/wallet
  • ill-mannered emotions aimed towards Josh for making you think like a hungry fool
  • soiled pants, assuming your foodgasms are grotesquely worse than Josh's
  • the sudden urge to get in your car and try out this story for yourself, and
  • revulsion in any and all vegetarians.
As such, The White Knight and any of his (nonexistent) affiliates would like to take this time to absolve themselves of any damages that this delectable entry may be responsible for. You have been warned, so if you dare to read on about tasty food today, then by all means: continue, and get your taste buds ready for an awesome ride.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What a Trip

So I decided to go ahead and let one of my friends try typing part of today's entry. I, uh... don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I took a little too much wine. Damn my Asian genes and their inability to handle the alcohol. LAAAAME.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Silly Books of Silliness

It's been a while since I've done any role-playing on World of Warcraft. I kind of miss it - it was fun (especially when a lot of my friends were on), and we had happy drama fun time together. The more vigilant of you probably have put two and two together and come up with a slightly-shocking conclusion just by reading the previous "I role-play on WoW" sentence above. Those of who who haven't: here's why they're shocked - out of the three characters I've named on this blog so far, which one's on the role-playing server? Chariselle. Yeah; I do role-play a girl. I don't do that erotic stuff (which is probably a good thing, really), but I do other things, such as pick fights she'll lose (matches my stubborn streak) and surprise people with her lazy intellect (much like my brilliant laziness... if I could be called "brilliant"). Maybe I have issues; maybe I don't - but that isn't the subject at hand.

Anyway, to help me out whenever I'm on Chari and an RP session goes on near her residence, she will probably be seen either reading a book (assuming someone didn't decide to pick a fight) or loaning one to a friend. Since most of the time I do my role-play with mass amounts of dramedy, it can be assumed that I'll make sure a joke is cracked somewhere - be it with the cycloptic sin'dorei's sarcasm or her ridiculous library.

Speaking of the latter: this is a list of some of the many, many books I've invented for numerous role-playing sessions. While some of these actually exist in-game, the majority do not - but that doesn't stop RPers from getting a quick laugh and enjoying my silly list of ideas. (DISCLAIMER: Obviously, the whole "roleplaying in World of Warcraft" thing isn't my idea, but I do take non-profit credit for the books that I made up.)

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Film Reel

The more loyal fans will probably have noted that most of my entries have been posted rather late. Most times, that's due to me procrastinating on it and not working on typing anything up until the very last minute, panicking with each keystroke I make. Now, while it could be said that today's entry being late was due to this, I do have my reasons - and for once, they're actually legit (as opposed to the many other times they're not...?)

If I ever get the money and time, I'm switching to Sony Vegas.
For now, Windows Movie Maker will have to do...
I've suddenly been inspired to make a video blog entry. (SAY WHAT!?)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

An Old List

Because I can't think of anything better to place on here (and because I thought I could come up with something to write the moment I got home tonight... look how well that went), I decided to look through my computer in search of something silly. Lo and behold: I found this old list (dated to 2007) of silly Murphy's laws that involve (online) gaming somehow. Hehehe...

Now, not all of this is mine - some of this is classic "Murphy's Laws of the Military," but that doesn't stop it from applying to video games (especially shooters). I touched bases with a decent amount of genres (from what I'm reading, at least), so there should be something to amuse the gamer in you. Enjoy...?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Waking Philosophy

So yesterday I went on about how I had been up since Thursday at 0900ish because of a situation. Well, guess what I did after posting that? I kept working on it until I realized it was futile of me to carry on. So rather than get the rest I needed oh-so-much, I went to work.

It was weird - for the first hour or so, I was feeling faint and ready to pass out, vomit, have my insides explode, and have my eyes gouge themselves out... all at the same time. As time progressed, however, my body re-adapted and was able to filter everything except "tired eyes" off my fatigue list. Indeed - almost nobody could tell that I was suffering from sleep deprivation.

After that long and tiring session, I got home at roughly 0015 and immediately knocked myself out on the bed. Thank goodness - 38 hours really is hard to go through. I'm thankful it wasn't 40 - otherwise I get reaaaaaaaly loopy.

I woke up at 1330 and realized that I had roughly 2.5 hours before work. Combine the post-waking fatigue with the demand that I have to post 1,000 words on each of my entries this month, and you get a slight dilemma: what the hell do I type?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sleepless Rant

You ever wonder what happens when you decide that other things are more important than important things... like, sleep? Well, I had a bout of this last night (I still have yet to fall asleep), and this is what happens when you decide to give a writer a bit of a break and said writer declares "writing > sleep" to be true...

Keep in mind that I started writing everything below at roughly 0430 earlier this morning. My body feels like complete crap right now, but... I need to post something now. Otherwise, if I should shut down in the afternoon, who knows how long I'll be out before I recover...?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Provisional Deferment of Self-Prohibitionary Ethics

You know how once in a while you go across your old files on your computer and you stumble across something hilarious you saved? ...n-no? None of you do that? Oh, well, uh... *clears throat*

A-Anyway, this is one such example of a gem. Back before I was 21, I was a major teetotaler. (For those of you who don't know big words, that basically means I refused to drink alcohol at all.) This was one character trait my friends found to be a tad annoying. They did respect it and all, but for me to refuse alcohol outright - especially on my 21st birthday - that was just taking it too far.

Admittedly, I also was taking it too far as well. To deny myself something because of things I've heard as opposed to me actually experiencing the "nightmares" my friends have suffered... that was kind of stupid. I figured, "Fine. We'll have one night of alcoholic debauchery." However, at the time my mind was... well, locked onto this idea that I had to stay pure and free and alcohol... that it would be for my benefit for me not to drink.

So, I decided to make a legally-binding document that would allow me to drink to my will's content without feeling guilty about any of it (yeah, as if a few pieces of paper would stop the thought of guilt). The result... was this abhorrent three-page document that "allowed" me to drink. Please feel free to laugh.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Start The Day Off Right!

Heh. I find it weird how yesterday's image of the weather still seems accurate. It's been mostly cloudy, but as I was driving around, I did see the sun break out a few times. Maybe meteorologists can actually do their jobs. I 'unno. *shrugs*

Today's the second day of my "Thirty Thousand Trial," and I'm just typing and typing away so that I can get my thousand words for today's entry. While things may seem a tad forced for the next month or so, it doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. After all, I miss this - the whole "writing a whole bunch of things" deal I do (or used to do). It flexes my brain matter and may end up getting me a new idea or so.

But enough on that - let's talk about other things. Like... food!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weathered In

What this week's weather looks like in Inaba where I live.
*sniffs the evening air* Hm. Despite the clouds, this seemed to be a good day. It also seems to be the start of an interesting month. Let's make sure that it stays that way. Alright, readers?

Please keep in mind that the above forecast is not from Persona 4 but is in fact a (mostly) accurate weather report for any U.S. county under the 805 area code. No rampant rain or fog for the time being, which means no murders any time soon! (I hope.)