Monday, January 4, 2016

A List of Lists

So, those ideas I wanted to remind myself about? Here's a portion of that list - both for your viewing (mis)pleasure and as the self-reminder I told myself I'd make.

Top Bit Characters
This sounds like a list that would only see the light of day only once. That again, that sounds exactly like the people who would show up on this list. It would be pretty funny to look at, because I'm sure there's a TV show or movie out there that you love because there's a bit character so memorable and/or over-the-top that you remember the movie/show for them more than the main characters or plot.

Top Pokémon Music Pieces
As music and Pokémon games are two things I like, I figured "Why not combine the two into one topic?" While the famed RPG series isn't known for its music (although the first generation games had some iconic themes), there are some tunes that stand well above its peers. Making a top list would help me find out just what those tunes are... and then we could see how well they compare to others' opinions of the music.

Top Influential Music Artists/Composers
In a vein similar to the above idea, this one keeps the music theme going, with a slight difference. That difference is the obvious part where I look back at all the music I've ever listened to and see just how it's influenced my aural tastes. I've come a long way from when I was a young boy who only wanted techno in his life. It would be interesting to see just who's responsible for my now-eclectic musical palette.

Top Pokémon (2016)
Yes, I know I already have a top list of Pokémon. It's a decent post and the one that inspired me to make lists for my own self-gratification. However, that list's from nearly five years ago. A new generation of Pokémon games came out since then, and my opinions on a lot of Pokémon have changed. Species were retconned to be Fairy-type; new moves were granted; strategies were shown that had me re-evaluate an entrant's standings. Plus, it's fun to refresh old things, right?

Top Favorite Actors/Actresses
This one is a no-brainer, but seeing as how I've never composed a list like this one before, I might as well. Personally, I find it a tad odd that I haven't made a list for this idea yet...

Favorite Cheeses
This sounds like a gouda idea. I don't care how cheesy of a plan it is. You're just jealous that an idea as brie-licious as this one never crossed your mind before now.

Kitchen Appliances
Since I'm a decent cook (my girlfriend Wendy thinks so), I think this would be an interesting concept for a top list. Various appliances exist, and I'm sure I've had my fair share operating them. Not only would I grade them on what I like the most, but I can also apply other factors to the query. Things like performance, utility, and cost. I'm sure that starving college students living out of their dorm rooms would like this one.

There's more ideas, but I'm going to go ahead and get some sleep. I have work in the morning, so I might as well get ready for that. Until tomorrow.

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