Sunday, January 24, 2016

Maddening States

I'm not entirely sure what to make of those moments when both fatigue and insomnia hit you at the same time. Periods of blissful sleep are punctuated between moments of mind-wiping terror over how you can't stay asleep. It's nothing but maddening, and sometimes, there's no real cure.

I seem to be getting my fair share of that lately. No, it's not because high levels of caffeine have been reintroduced into my system. No, it's not severe anxiety over some big project or evaluation or upcoming event. Heck, it's not even due to my alarm being set all weird every other day.

It's probably just some weird little... tic, for lack of a better word. I call it that because the last time I was stuck in this weird nighttime "limbo" was years ago (as in "around 2010"). The fun thing was that last time, I was able to get a few things done. That last time, I remember being "productive" with by working on a then-new Lego project and going through episodes of whatever new anime series came out then.

That was then and this is now. As I'm older than I was that last time, I've realized that as this tic is just starting up, I might as well work on something and make good use of the time.

But what?

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