Tuesday, January 12, 2016


As a writer, deadlines are something I have a love-hate relationship with.

On one hand, it gives me a rather large sense of dread. The pressure of finishing a project by a certain time and date or else someone in the world will hate you? *shivers* Kill me now. It makes the professional writers look terrible and the amateur ones like myself unreliable - but it makes all of us want to just procrastinate even more for some odd reason. (Which, admittedly, is why you're seeing this entry as opposed to the Nuzlocke one that was supposed to be here.)

On the other, deadlines are a bit of a boon. Some of us (not just writers) somehow work better with a dooming countdown hovering over our heads. The pressure forces the brain into overdrive, and the distractions somehow give way to new ideas that can be fleshed out and worked on. (Which, admittedly, is why you're also seeing this entry as opposed to the Nuzlocke.)

I had a breakthrough with one of these ideas that popped out while getting hit with the pressure, and I somehow worked on that instead. It's a blessing and a curse. I get to have a complimentary project started up that will go well with one of my other mini-projects... but at the same time I didn't write. *shakes head* It's just great knowing that I'm still in the middle no matter what I do, but at least I haven't gone any lower.

Anyway, this entry exists to remind myself that deadlines are both good and bad and that I don't have to fear them. Sure, once in a while they're necessary - and sure, they're something I'll definitely avoid completing over the rest of my life - but they're a bit of a motivational drive for me. Just because I don't finish whatever project by whatever time doesn't mean I've wasted my time completely.

Of course, doing so wastes your time, but that's another story. *laughs*

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