Sunday, January 3, 2016

Distracted Listing

Three days in the new year and already it feels like I've run out of steam. No ideas on what to write about... nothing that grabs my interest... all the panic in the world. This admittedly doesn't sound like a good start for my blog's revival.

However, while sitting down on my lunch break, I came up with something that would not only rev my writing engine for today, but for a good amount of days to follow.

You remember those ridiculous lists I had? You know the ones - those entries where I'd list some vague category and slap down my top ten (twenty in one case) favorite whatevers and raise hype for each entrant respectively? Yeah, I want to make some more of those very opinionated lists.

HOWEVER. Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 just started today, and when I came home, both the Super Mario 64 speedrun race and the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance runs were on, and I just HAD to watch them. The list will be up for your viewing pleasure tomorrow!

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