Thursday, January 28, 2016

Aches Gone and New

The last two days felt like they were worth it. I got to hang out with people; I made plans to do more things over the next few days; I got some much-needed level-grinding done in Persona 4; I got to relax and not have to worry about one damn thing. I missed having two days off in a row, because there's nothing quite as refreshing. (Except maybe a three-day weekend, but that's a whole 'nother ball game right there.)

And with that, my weekend comes to a close as I prepare myself to go to sleep, wake up, and head back to work. I'm not dreading it so much as groaning and moaning, but hey - that's what I do. I got some errands to run as well tomorrow afternoon, so maybe that's why I'm bellyaching so much. The little energy I'll have left from work will most likely be spent on my chores and, well... at least I got that going for me.

I think I had something planned for tomorrow...

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