Wednesday, January 27, 2016


There are some nights where I wish I was restless enough to stay up and work on things. As a former night owl, that was where I worked the best. My finals in high school, a long night of building things with Lego, some session in World of Warcraft where I told myself "Just a few more levels..." - things like that were when I would operate the best. Somehow, I was able to focus all my energy in that one night, fall asleep at around 0600, and then wake up midday feeling like I accomplished something.

Now... not so much. Working morning shifts have entirely mucked up that opportunity. I'm too exhausted from work to usually do so, and said exhaustion usually means I'm just on autopilot for the hours after I get off. Sure, I could try to pull an all-nighter on my days off, but it doesn't feel the same. Something about crunching in whatever work (or "work") needs to be done in a set morning deadline usually feels... right to me.

I want to figure out how to get that back - or at the very least, re-adjust myself so that I can still get that feeling with my "work in the morning" routine.

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