Monday, January 11, 2016

No Third Charm

I don't get it. I spend all of yesterday psyching myself to get things done. I get most of the night squared away and about 98% of the prep-work completed. Writing something today should have been a snap, and yet... I managed to achieve very little.

*shakes head* Somehow I saw this coming. I don't know if this is extremely poor time management skills or me getting distracted like crazy all the time, but I think I need to find a way to focus. While that may not seem possible due to my potential ADHD (I say "potential" because I show symptoms but I never officially had myself checked) or because I placed way too much on my plate, I know there has to be a way.

Also, on an unrelated-but-possibly-related note: stomachache from eating too much. This might have been a driving factor in my evening lethargy in regards to writing. Damn you, Past Josh.

You think that's bad? Give me an hour and tell me to stay on TV Tropes. When you come back, there'll be four windows open with an average of at least 20 tabs each (of which maybe 40% are for TV Tropes), about three other programs running in the background (not counting WinAmp), and at least one YouTube video that's three clicks away from the music video for Vat19's Das Beer Boot.
Anyway, I'm afraid I'm going to have to delay myself yet again. (At least I'm trying not to give you lame entries like the last few years. This actually has a lot of words on it.) Consider the above photo as proof that I am working on it (although you can see with the tabs on those two windows that I was pretty distracted). If I can get myself into gear, we'll see about finishing it by tomorrow night.

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