Sunday, January 10, 2016


Okay, so I lied. It's not up today because I got super-distracted - both at work and at home. As such, it's not at the quality level I'd like for it to be in, and I don't feel like showing you something crappy that could've been better. Of course, that's not what you're thinking. Your line of thoughts look more like this:

--- --- ---

Where's the entry? You said you had the entry!

Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Since I have said that, I can see how you would think that.

Where is it?

Uh... tomorrow. Come back tomorrow and then I will again have the entry. Yes.

--- --- ---

Seriously, though: would you rather see a half-assed entry, or a full-assed one that actually has some merit to it? Personally, I'd like the latter - it's more fun.

(Also, if anyone sees the reference I made: kudos to you! Two Internet points for you!)

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