Saturday, January 16, 2016

Social Creatures

Running into people you haven't seen in forever can be a good thing sometimes. It allows you to catch up on old times and keeps you up to date on people's lives. For someone like me, who ends up hiding in a hole for a while, this is a must - otherwise I'll go insane from the solitariness.

I don't exactly do this by choice. I mean, I have days where I just keep to myself and other days where I just have to be with people. On the days I'm solitary, I'm usually caught up in something. It's usually not a top priority, but it has my attention on tight lockdown and it takes a good deal of persuasion to get me to actually stop and focus on something else.

That's what the last few days have felt like lately after I get home from work. I'm generally too fatigued to do anything awesome, so I just let my brain go on autopilot and just casually do stuff that amuses me until I fall asleep or I get distracted by something else. Of course, I can only do this so long before I want any kind of social contact... and I think now's a good a time as any to do so.

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