Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Gaming On

Spending a day relaxing and playing some video games I haven't played in a while is a good thing. At first it may seem as though I spent the day doing nothing productive - and from a certain standpoint, it is. However, doing so has cleared my mind and it has me itching to write something.

Maybe I'll actually keep working on that Nuzlocke post I said I'd be doing. Maybe I'll work on another entry that talks about something else. Hell, maybe I'll just keep playing games and figure something else out.

Who knows? The future's not written in stone, and the world is my rather-local-yet-still-large oyster. For now, I think I'm going to go back to dusting off games I haven't played in a while. South Park: The Stick of Truth seems like an excellent choice, and I'll just go ahead and load up my file now.

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