Thursday, January 14, 2016

Blurred Together

There's some days where the minutes and hours feel like they're blurring together. Today's one of those days. You get bad news and all of a sudden, it's a week later. Call it "going on autopilot" or "not knowing what day it is" - all of a sudden you're hit with whatever realization you originally "forgot" about.

There's also some days where reality suddenly feels like a dream and vice versa. You can't tell if you're awake or not, and often you'll find yourself wondering if you're going to wake up from a nightmare that feels all too real.

The Matrix aside, today felt like one of those days, because it's only just now that I woke up. Kind of scary, really, because most of the day just zipped by waiting for me to notice. Eventually I'll be able to pick myself back from where I came from.

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