Friday, January 8, 2016

In Search of a Name

Any writer who says "writing is easy" is either a savant or a liar. There's always some kind of struggle present in their work process. For some, they're able to overcome their struggle and come out on top. Others will flail around and admit defeat after what seems like an eternity for them. As for a select few, they'll purposefully drown themselves in their problems and somehow use the experience as a motivator.

Of course, the problems a writer faces will vary from person to person, and they may change with each new project. For me, my dilemma seems to be in the initial phases of the project - the part where the sparks ignite a warming fire. The weird thing is that I somehow have the fire going, but I have no spark. (I know that doesn't make any sense.)

Coming up with ideas for something to write about is a tall order for someone like me. I've been out of the writing game for a while now, and it's pretty intimidating to turn this blank text box into a whole mish-mash of words that somehow form a coherent blog entry. Sometimes I can pull it off. Sometimes I'm able to create something out of thin air and make it look like I gave it plenty of forethought. And sometimes I just fib something lame and call it a day.

Of course, when the thing that needs to be created is the name of something, that's a different matter entirely. I have a few Lego models to name, and I have zero idea what to name them, so I won't display them until I can think of something.

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