Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I always hate it when an item is on sale when I'm broke. It's life's way of taunting my wallet and my finances. It sits on the shelf for a day or two, taunting me with its reduced price that I previously begged for sometime in the past when I casually said I wanted the price to go down. Then it does go down - right when I have nothing but my gasoline ration money left in my bank account.

Then comes the heart-wrenching moment where my finances go back up. I pull out my card, ready to make my purchase, and one of two things will happen thereafter:
  1. The sale will have ended.
  2. The item in question is out of stock.
It's a sad and depressing moment for me, but then I end up spotting something else that's not as cool, but cool enough for me to forget my "depression."

Yes, I am a pretty bad impulse buyer. I can contain myself at times, but for the most part, it's usually "goodbye, hard-earned cash" within five minutes of spotting something I want. Which is why I need to either win the lottery (so I can sate my impulse-buying nature) or somehow acquire all the toys in the world that I could possibly ever want.

Is that too much?

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