Thursday, January 21, 2016

Minor Completion

Every once in a while a seemingly minor difference ends up making a much bigger impact than expected.

I had an experience like that today. I was making a few tweaks to one of my "completed" Lego projects when I realized that I needed to add something on to it. A rather minor detail that I thought would be a nice addition to the overall model. So I spent a few hours tinkering around with it, and before I knew it...

...I ended up with something that I can finally call a "complete" model. An actual complete model - one that will only be tweaked if I'm doing a photo shoot and need to change a few details between photos - or in this particular model's case: when I'm showing differences between models.

That doesn't sound confusing at all, so I'll just leave this be and let some future photos and entries do the talking someday.

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