Friday, January 22, 2016

Sleepy Realization

Today's one of those days where I somehow got sapped of all my energy, despite not having done much apart from working.

That's probably not a good thing. I have projects I want to take care of and work on, shows I need to watch, and music I need to listen to. There's so much on my plate I need to take in and so little time for me to work on anything before the fatigue sets in. It's maddening for me, because I won't want to deal with being tired. (Sleep may be for the dead, but geez - it sure does interfere with the living a lot.)

What's worse is those times when the fatigue sets in much earlier than usual. The events that play out on those days (today included) usually don't add up. This leads me to ask myself one question: how in the world did I get so damn tired so early?


I think I should schedule a vacation for myself one of these days.

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