Sunday, January 17, 2016

Shut-Eye Time

After days of work, it's always nice to get a night off so I can focus on fun activities without the interruption of sleep.

Years ago, that would have been a true statement, but now... not so much. I don't know whether to attribute this to my schedule forcing me out of my natural night-owl tendencies or the fact that I'm getting older. Either way, it's terrible - I used to be so active in the night hours and practically non-existent in the morning ones. Times have changed - and so has my schedule.

Nevertheless, it's good to be able to not have to worry about waking up early for work tomorrow. I can wake up and know that I can fall back asleep if I wanted to (and I usually do). I'll be looking forward to that tomorrow morning - I could use some extra shut-eye.

And who knows? Since I have the day off, maybe I'll work on something.

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