Monday, January 18, 2016

Triumph Elsewhere

You know, when you lose track of time on your off-day to do things that weren't initially part of the plan, it can go one of two ways.

There's the route that leaves you grimacing over how you wasted the time on "doing nothing" instead of "being productive." You had a set schedule where you were going to do certain things at various times, and if everything went according to plan you'd be a much better person for it. Of course, it didn't go to plan, and so there you are - wondering what the heck happened while you find yourself still at square one.

And then there's the route that has you thinking, "It's still a day well-spent." Sure, your original plan got thrown out the window - but you still had fun doing whatever it was that wasn't on the itinerary. You could be a day behind now, but you ended up in a more relaxed state - and depending on what it was you wound up doing instead, possibly ahead in another task you wanted to pull off on another day.

I'm the kind of person who thinks both ways. At first, I'll sit there mentally kicking myself over and over, wondering what the heck I did with the time I was granted. After a few moments of that, I'll just realize: "Hey, I enjoyed myself. So what?"

Today was that kind of day. Originally the plan called for surfing the Internet and looking up tanks (the armoured fighting vehicle kind, mind you) as reference for a new Lego model I wanted to work on (or inspiration for tweaking one of my current ones). Instead, I ended up booting up my PS3, loading up South Park: The Stick of Truth and Persona 4, and playing them all day.

In case you're wondering, I just finished the former and got some needed level-grinding done on the latter.

Sure, I stopped work on one project. But hey - now I can go to sleep knowing that I beat a game. Whee!

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